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i felt a cold chilling hand resting against mine, my eyes felt glued shut and my head was pounding. 

my throat was begging for water, so i pry my eyes open to be blinded by the light.

i could hear chattering and footsteps all around me, oonce my eyes had adjusted to the light i see an all white room, i turn to the cold sensation i felt on my hand to see a raven haired mane resting on the bed, their hands intertwined with mine

"oh good you're awake" a voice said, i turn my head to the sound and see a man in a white coat, holding a pen and his wand in one hand.

i see tom standing behind him. "what happened" i said trying to ignore the ringing in my head and the pounding headache that was forming 

"well, it seems that you passed out due to lack of iron in your body" the doctor said walking closer to me with tom now at my side, standing behind the woman resting her head, who i figured out was belltrix- no one else had hair as crazy as her- he rested his hand on my shoudler, rubbing it lovingly.

"we ran a few test just to make sure it wasnt anything else but one of the test came back to reveal you are pregnant" the doctor said formly, i could feel my face drain of its colour.

i look to tom who was stone cold, he was like this around other people, which was a pain in the ass seeing as i couldnt tell if he was happy or not.

"um i would like a minute with my fiance" i said, not wanting anyone else around at this point.

the doctor walked out of the room and shut the door, bella was still out cold so i slipped my hand from hers, feeling the claminess already forming.

"tom?" i asked, trying to get his attention, he pulled up a seat and sat down looking at me.

"the plan seems to be moving faster than i thought" he said strategically, he was shocked i was too. we only had sex once but i guess this is happening.

"i havent even finished school" i breathed not looking at tom but instead staring right a head of me, i could see him nodding from he corner of my eye.

"its okay my dear, well figure something out" he stood and kissed my brow. bella stirred awake finally and lifted her head, blinking wildely as she let her eyes adjust to the light.

"eddie, youre awake" she says ahs she saw me and engulfed me into a bone breaking hug.

the air from my lungs escaped from my body.

"im going to have a smoke" tom said placing a kiss on my temple and left the room, i muttered a bye and then faced bella.

i pulled back my blankets and scooched over to the side of the bed so she could slide in, after she did i rested my head on her shoulders.

"im pregnant" i sighed, lifting my head and stared at her, her face lit up with joy for me. her squeal filled the room as her arms found their way around me once again. "im going to be an auntie" she laughed, her antics made me feel better but my mind was still racing.

"im going to be a mother and im not even 18 yet" i laughed hysterically, the thought made me sound mad, im 17 and engaged that was fine because its what usually happened with pure blood families, but most people wait until after they graduate school to start trying for babies.

but i mean im not a normal person, im engaged to the dark lord for merlin's sake, and i am the granddaughter to arguably one of the second most powerful and loyal wizards yet.

i stopped laughing and calmed myself down. "bels, where my wand?" i asked looking around and not seeing it in sight.

bella held out her hand and acciod my wand, it shot out from the bag that she must've brought and into her hand, she handed it over to me.

i wanted out of these garments and into my clothes. then i thought outloud  "ugh im going to need to get new clothes" i groaned.

i flicked my wand ad i was rid of those ugly clothes and into my usual black dresses.

i wanted to leave, i hated hospitals even magical ones. they all suck and smell to clean, and quite frankly the smell was making me want to throw up again.

"how far along do you think you are" bella said as she stood up from the bed and walked over to the shitty hospital food, grimacing once she got a whiff of the stench.

"maybe 2 weeks, it hasnt been that long since tom and i had sex" i shrugged, walking out of the room with bella hot on my trail.

we went to go find tom, i see him talking to the same doctor who told me i was pregnant 

"this might be a high risk pregnancy, due to you and her being so powerful, the child might develop different powers, strong once might i add my lord" i over hear him say in a hushed voice. tom saw me approaching and dismissed the man, he left with a small bow.

"so he knows, a follower?" i asked looping my arm around his, he nods and we walk down a hall.

"what does he mean by high risk tom" i say, turning and standing in front of him and stopping him.

"well, this baby might be to powerful and it might hurt you" he says lowering his voice and turning his head to see if anyone was watching or listening. bella had wondered off to flirt with some nurse.

"im got terminating it tom, i wont" i say laying my hands on my tummy that would soon grow round. feeling protective over my unborn child

"i dont want that darling, but if it hurts you well have to figure something out" he says as he put his hands on my cheeks and placing his lips on mine.

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