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I headed to charms first, I had class with bella and turns out with lucius also.

We had sat at the back qnd pulled out our text books.

The professor had walked in and started teaching, writing the spell well be learning which was cantis which made one to burst out into song.

I had learnt this in my 2nd year at bantaunce.

It's was simple all you had to do was mutter cantis and flick your wand in the right way and boom, you've got a song bird whenever you please.

After charms was done I had dueling, which was one the fourth floor, so I rushed past some arrogant 1st year ravenclaws who were loitering around the halls.

Being one of the first people in class at sat towards the back yet again.

Seeing lucius, barty and Avery walk in, I wave them down and we sit together, Avery on my left and barty on my right, lucius beside Avery.

"Okay class today well be practising our dueling, using safe spells of course" the professor eyes landed on me for a second before partnering people off.

Luckily I got lucius and not a random.

We stood in a fighting stance with our wands raised. I raised an eyebrow, I swear I saw him gulp.

He fired the first spell which was easy to block.

He fired many spells which I just blocked, remembering what my old dueling professor told me

"Let them fire all the spells at first, they'll tire eventually, then that's the time you attack, they'll have wasted all their energy" said professor horwood. Loosening his white shirt cuffs and raising his want, saying an incantation that dimmed the lights, he then said to begin

I could see the sweat forming on the blondes brows, he was getting tired. I smirked to myself and my eyes darkened.
I took a deep breath before relenting my shield and they various enchants at him, one causing his wand to fly out of his hand and into my spare.

I heard some gasps from the side lines. My eyes did a quick look to the side to see the entire class had stopped dueling and had began to watch us fight.

Lucius had started to use non verbal magic so to make it fair I dropped our wands and kicked them to the side lines.

We fought for another few minutes before one of my spells had hit him and made him fly across the room landing into a pile of desks that were stacked against the wall.

"Enough" the authority figure yelled. I walked over to lucius who was panting hard.

I held my hand out to him which he took and I hauled his ass up.

"Nice fight malfoy" I smirked as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Not bad yourself adler" he laughed.

Barty and Avery were clapping as we grabbed our wands.

We made our way to the great hall.

When we entered I saw cissy look a bit disappointed at how close lucius and I were, seeing as his arm was still around mine.

When we sat down lucius and I had separated.

I sat next to bels and grabbed a pumpkin pasty.

I saw a boy around the same age as narcissa walk over to our table, his hair was a light brown.

He tapped Bella's shoulder.

"What do you want sirius" she spat at the boy, he flinched slightly.

"Uh, I received a letter from mother saying that she wants a family meeting, asap" he muttered, his eyes crossing mine.

"And what does that have to me?" Bellatrix sassed.

"She says to tell you and your sisters, she says aunt druella wants you to come also" he spoke before walking back to his table.

I wonder who he was, I'm assuming a relative of the girls.

"You must join us" bella said but I noticed she her mouth wasn't moving, my eyebrows rose.

Then I realised she was speaking to me through her mind.

"It must be about Andy her bastard baby, and seeing as your the one with the proof, you must come" she spoke again.

"Yes maam" I laughed in my mind.

" who was that by the way" I asked now speaking out loud

"Oh just my stupid cousin, sorted into gryfindoor" she rolled her eyes. I nodded in understanding.

"Well leave on Wednesday" she confirmed.

I just nodded and went back to my lunch

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