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andromeda showed me the way to the great hall and then back to dorm rooms, she told me all about the moving stairs and the talking portraits, back in france we didnt have moving anything, everything was still, except for students rushing to get away from the random out burst of duels or the wild animals people would release at random times of the day to test our adjility.

i was paired up with andy, cissy and bella as dorm mates. luckily due to the black family wealth they had a bigger room, built with their own bathroom and house elf - blizzy i think her name was.

my time table had been lain out on my four poster bed along with my slytherin robes. my trunk sat at the end of my bed, holding my family crest.

"hey andy, did i leave my potions textbook in here" bellatrix opened the door and nearly screamed when she saw me floating my folded clothes into the draws that were spare.

"oh merlin, i didnt expect to see you in here eddie" she gasped holding her heart, i smiled whole heartidly at the nickname she used, since i havent heard it since my mothers passing, she caught her reflection in the mirror next to one of the beds, noticing her hair looked a little flat. she frowned.

i flicked my hand and her hair had the wild, untame look she first had when i had met her. she smiled and looked my way "youll have to teach me that spell" i just nodded and giggled.

soon narcissa joined us.

"so what year are you in narcissa?" i asked the smaller girl, she twirled her blonde hair on her finger.

"4th and im so excited because this year in potions well be brewing the amortia potions, oh i hope i smell lucius" she gushed, sighing like a love stricken drunk.

"oh so you have a thing for mr malfoy?" i giggled, folding my scarf and placed it on my bedside table.

"shes has had a crush on him since 1st year, shes followed him around like a puppy" bella giggled, nearly getting hit by a flying pillow courtesy of narcissa.

andromeda walked out of the bathroom, pulling the last strand of her hair and pinning it back.

she slipped on her slytherin sweater and grabbed her day bag.

"bye girls, im heading out to hogsmeade for a while, don't cause trouble bella" she warned before closing the door behind her.

"ugh shes going on a date with that darn hufflepuff. stupid mudblood" bella huffed falling back on my bed. i turned with a sneer on my face.

"shes dating a mudblood, how and why" i gagged

"i have no idea, but i have a feeling something else is going on, shes been smitten for him for ages, i havent told mother yet but im hoping shell snap out of it soon" bella also sneered.

bella then noticed my timetable and picked it up to see if we had any similar classes.

"we have potions, defence against the dark arts, charms and history of magic together as well as our free period" she smiled then putting the paper back in its place.

"im going to see if pandora parkinson is in the common room, we have to catch up, she went to romania over the break. i love drangons" cissy said dreamily. which from what i can gather from knowing her this short period of time was that she was going to find lucius.

"have fun" i waved.

"okay now that shes gone, i can show you this" she lifted up her sleeve and showed me her bare arm, my brows furrowed. She then brought up her wand and whispered a spell, revealing a breath taking snake coming out of a skull etched into her skin.

"thats beautiful" i gasped, letting my fingers graze the top, then leading down to the snakes head. my soft touch made goosebumps appear on bellatrix's skin.

"its the dark lords brand, if he needs up, he can summon us using this" she breathed.

"what is he like" i asked, ive heard stories about him being cruel and cold hearted.

"oh hes the most powerfulest man ive met, he holds his head up so high that you have to crain your own neck to see his full form" bella described the man ive idolized for the longest time.

there was a warm heat coming from the air, all of a sudden a flaming piece of paper unraveled, i picked it from the air and handed it to bella. "come to the malfoy manor at noon tomorrow and bring her, i must meet her" she read out loud.

my cheeks started to hurt from how hard i was smiling.

"shall we tell the boys, celebrate a little bit?" she stood up and walked over to her bed, and reached for a bottle of firewhiskey.

i smirked and nodded, she grabbed my hand and yanked me to the boys dormitry.

she didnt bother to knock on the boys dorm room. she waltzed in and sauntered the liquor bottle around.

"noon tomorrow we see the dark lord, but to night we are celebrating" she howled.

the boys cheered and started to pass the bottle around.


a little later into the night, everyone was shit faced including me.

we were telling our secrets.

"once i used barty's toothbrush because i couldnt find mine" avery slurred, there was symphony of ews throughout the group.

"ive never told anyone this but once i walked in on bella and dolohov having sex and i threw up after" rosier gagged at the memory and everyone laughed.

"im serious guys it was so odd, you should of heard the sounds they were making" he carried on, getting hit in the face with two pillows as both bella and dolohov reacted.

"okay, okay, once ive fantasized of killing my parents" dolohov said and the laughing stopped, it was silent for a second before the laughing came back 10 times louder.

"okay who hasnt shared yet...oh Eden, guess you're up" lucius laughed.

"ive killed someone..." my drunk self outed me. everyone exchanged glanses

"havent we all?" avery shrugged and took another swig of the firewhiskey.

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