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bella and i were sharing her four poster bed, both snuggled under the covers.

"hey bels" i said opening my eyes to be staring straight into her black ones.

she hummed in response and propped her head up.

"i know we've only known each other for a little bit, but i want to say that you are like the sister ive never had" i smiled.

"awe, thank you Eddie, your like the sister ive always wanted she giggled, she hugged me and kissed my forehead.

after that she went to sleep, my arms wrapped around bella as she head laid onto the pillow.

she was snoring away but i couldnt sleep. i was just staring at the black wall, my thoughts wondering.

all of a sudden a flash of white evolved and i was sucked into what seemed like a vision.

tom was standing at the top of the manor stairs, watching me chase after the child, running a mock of the living room. he laughed as he descended down

"daddy" the child screamed, crashing into his legs and hugging them. the dark lord picked up the kid and rested him on his hi[, his navy blue suit wrinkling.

we approached me with a loving smile present, "are you misbehaving for mommy?" he asked our child, i giggled watching their face drop and nod their head. tom planted a kiss in their temple, our childs raven curls moving as they still shook their head.

i was pulled out of the vision when i hear a males screams from the other room.

i shoot up from the bed wanting to invertage.

i open the door and see red light coming from a crack in the door of regulus room.

i bust open the door to see reggie on the floor howling in pain and his mother towering over him.

his eyes connect with mine, i shove the women's wand away and disarm her.

"walburga, i respect you greatly but you will not abuse a child in my presence" i yelled holding my wand to her, she was furious

"hes ungrateful, i caught him crying for that blood traitor" she growled pointing at her son.

"alough andromeda does not deserve it, grieving is a normal thing, now leave him be" i screamed, being a child of abuse and having scars of my own from these spells i wasnt going to let regulus go through that.

she stormed out the door and slammed it shut.

i crouch near regulus shuddering boddy assessing the damage, he was still crying.

i see bella leaning against the door, her face reeks of regret. not for andromeda but for her cousin.

"im sorry" he says sitting up and using his hands to wipe the tears away.

"hey, its okay. its okay to feel sad" i cradle his shaking body, i ran my fingers through his hair.

bella had moved away from the door and now sat on the floor with us, she held reggies hand rubbing her thumb across the top.

after an hour of sitting on the carpeted floor, regulus had calmed down to fall asleep, his body was slumped against mine.

we decided to move him to his bed, using my magic he lifted and laid on his bed, bellatrix pulled the covers over him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

we walked back to our room and got back into bed, bella face was the epitome of sadness, she turned to me and a tear slipped passed her shield.

"i shouldve stopped it when it first happened" she sobbed, i moved closer and hugged her body, "i shouldve stood up to her when she would do it over the summer break when we were kids" she cried into my shoulder, i soothed my hands through her wild mane.

"you were a kid bella, this isnt your fault" i reasoned, she shook her head no "no, no, i couldve, i just didnt because i didnt want them to turn on me" still sobbing she used her pajamas to dry her face.

"bella listen to me, this isnt and will never your fault. people like this are cruel and wont stop at anything till theyre satisfied with the damage done, dont think for a second that any of this is your fault" i held her face in my hands and she nodded, sniffling and snotting everywhere.

we laid down, my arms wrapped around her torso, she was still sobbing but had cooled down. sleep engulfed us both as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

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