Chapter 3

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After an hour of Alexis explaining to Emily and I how important it was for us to stand out on the first day of term especially since we were the new 'girls' we had to make a big entrance, make sure everyone knows were not to be messed with. 

But if you think were going proper bad ass like motorbikes and crap then you've got the wrong impression think of us more like hard to get new chicks with a hint of Italian, cause you know were Italian. 

So anyways Alexis decided we should get a totally new look, in terms of style obviously, I've always been kind of laid back with skinny jeans and a nice tank top but Alexis wants to spice things up we are starting 'Senior year' well me and Alexis are because Emily's a year younger than us she'll be a 'Junior' but she still wants to make an appearance.

I know your probably thinking Emily and I are the attention seeking blondes and Alexis is the fiery red head, we really aren't but people usually find their mates at this age and usually I wouldn't go along with a plan like this like an extreme fashion make over but 'Senior year' is the year people usually find their mates and boy do I want to make an impression for my mate.

My wolf purred in agreement at that statement making me mentally roll my eyes. 

Anyways I'm currently stood in Forever 21 looking around, because come on you know everyone loves this shop Alexis had dragged along two random boys from the pack that she saw randomly when we were making our way out of the pack house, poor boys.

Alexis currently had them carrying all her bags and ours, one of them I found out was called Corrie and the other Zachary and they were brothers they were pretty shy at first with Emily and I being the alphas daughters and Alexis being the betas but I eventually found myself warming up to them.

''Oh my god! Nic isn't this so cute!'' Alexis called out running over to me with a cropped  denim jacket 

Before I could even answer she was ushering me over to the changing rooms with Corrie and Zachary following handing me a bunch of clothes to try on.

After an hour of yes and nos we were finally done in Forever 21 and I was happy with my purchases which were mostly crop tops, which was something new since I'd never really been the type of girl to expose much skin, high wasted shorts, denim was skinny jeans, ripped jeans, sandals, heels. 

We were going to visit the MAC store but if you combine all of our makeup collections there's no doubt in my mind we could open our own mini MAC store.

''So do we all want to go food court now'' Emily said breaking the peaceful silence 

Her question was answered with grunts from the boys and a swift nod from me Alex however was tapping away on her phone her freshly manicured nails working fast against her iPhone screen, my bet was she was uploading a picture to instagram. 

''So Zachary and Corrie how has your day out with us been?'' I asked tauntingly a smirk playing on my lips.

I watched as they gulped in unison Zachary's adams apple bobbing up and down.

'' It's been -uhm great'' Corrie responded nervously looking down at all the shopping bags he was holding in his hands.

'' Oh really? So you would want to do this again?'' Emily asked catching on the my plan. 

'' NO!'' They both yelled incredulously and I watched as a light blush crept onto Corries face, thats cute!

To be honest they weren't bad looking Corrie had ocean blue eyes with clean cut brown hair with a strong facial structure and square jaw meanwhile Zachary had captivating dark brown eyes with a thick head of brown hair.

I can't believe I hadn't noticed these two earlier, well Zachary in particular he was extremely hot and we did seem to get along with each other nicely.

'' So uhh- what type of food do you girls feel like '' Zachary said calmly but his gaze was mainly directed at me.

We had now arrived in the food court with a variety of options before  us, but I didnt feel like anything heavy so I simply responded with pizza which everyone agreed with hence why we are now sat here on this table with playing 21 dares 

'' 20'' Emily said giggling then looking at me waiting for me to make the next move 

'' Argh! Dammit! 21'' I said reluctantly 

Trust me to have the bad luck and get 21.

I simply just stared at everyone while they whispered around the table trying to figure out what my dare could be. Great, just great. I could already tell by the smirks plastered on every ones face apart from Zachary's that my dare would be harsh.

Hm I wonder what his problem was.

Finally the suspense was over as they all turned to me their eyes gleaming with mischief but again all apart from Zachary who's eyes looked strained, poor boy I still don't know what his problem was.

' Hey you okay? ' I mind linked him 

' Yeah, yeah fine but-' 

Just as he was about to continue Alexis interrupted him.

'' We dare you to walk over there and kiss the living daylights of that guy over there, right in front of his girlfriend''  Emily smirked MY OWN SISTER! 

I'm never one to back down from a dare but in front of his girlfriend I mean come on that's harsh! That's like totally against the girl code well there isn't one but if there was 'DON'T KISS ANOTHER GIRLS MAN' would definitely be in it, trust me.

'' In front of his girlfriend?!'' I gulped horrified 

'' Yeah or are you a chicken? ''

'' Well no but you know his girlfriends there!'' 

Emily simply quirked an eyebrow at me daring me to chicken out and the alphas blood in me didn't want to back out of a dare so I stood out of my chair nervously feeling all of their eyes burning into me. But the worst thing was I couldn't even see his face his back was turned towards me as he ordered some Thai food for him and I assume his girl friend.

Suddenly I was right behind him when his head turned around ready to ask me what I was doing I was ready. Tenderly I placed my arms around his neck kissing him, and boy was he a good kisser. Then deciding enough was enough I stepped back swaying my lips carefully. What?! I'm not a whore but if you get a dare like that you might aswell have fun with it, right?


What did you guys think?! Since the last chapter was kind of a filler and this one would be if I didn't add anything spicy like a steamy kiss and truth or dare this one would have become one too. Also please don't judge nicole too much I mean she isn't a 'whore' or 'slut' she's kind of you know different. She is an alphas daughter so remember naturally she wont want to back down & whats wrong with a little fun?! 

Zachary to the side as Myles Crosby <3___<3 HOT MAMA! 

Happy reading, Tyana :) xox 

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