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"So class, as you all know I am principal Healy, and I am here to tell you all that the old teacher Mr. Ludrick who used to have this class retired, so you are going to get a new teacher who will be here in a few minutes until then I will be taking attendance," Principal Healy told all the students sitting in class 309, she was saying names aloud. People were responding with either 'yes' 'mhm' or the classic 'wish I wasn't' which didn't amuse Healy very much.

"Brooks, Y/n Brooks," She called, when nobody responded she lifted her eyes from the paper in front of her and glanced across the class, "I'll take that as a no," She raised her brows and skipped to the next name.

She reached the last name when the door opened and a woman walked in, "I'm sorry for being late. Thank you Healy for taking attendance, Is anyone missing?" She asks and apologizes at the same time, "Only one, a lady Y/n Brooks," She stands up and hands the paper over to the woman and leaves the class. "Right, everyone my name is Miss Johansson, and as Healy probably already told you I will be replacing Mr. Ludrick," She said and looked around at all the new faces she was going to be seeing for the rest of the year.

Miss Johansson POV

I begin teaching my new class and everything is going great, people are listening, asking questions even taking notes, we've been at it for around 10 minutes when someone crashes through the door which makes everybody turn and look at her, "I am so sorry I am late," She apologizes and looks at me, then around the rest of the class, "let me guess, Y/n Brooks?" I ask her, she nods and gives me an awkward smile.

"Sit down next to uh, Alex Lee please," I tell her and she looks relieved, she walks over to the table and sits down, and she and Alex immediately falls into talk, like they've known each other before they started here. "Right, let's get back to class, Brooks, you're gonna have to get somebody to tell you what you missed," I tell her and she nods.

Y/n POV.

"Y/n, stop fucking staring at her jeez," Alex whispers to me, "what? I am not," I protest, but I am, I can't help it, she's pretty. "Y/n, it's never going to happen bro, plus you aren't even gay so I don't know what you're doing," He tells me, I laugh and hit him in the shoulder, "you're going to give me bruises dude," He whispers to me, "pft, as if you give me more bruises that I give you," I lean over and whisper to him.

"Now just concentrate on our lesson and not the teacher, I don't think your brother was here falling for his teacher when he was here," He remarks, making me roll my eyes and ignore him.


Third Person.

The break is now here and everyone is outside enjoying the weather, and having fun before needing to go to their next class, well most people were enjoying the weather and someone was a little panicked about finding the next classroom they would be teaching in.

Miss Johansson had been frantically walking around the school looking for her next class without any luck, so she decided to try her luck by asking a student, or rather a group of students, some of her students from this morning is sitting outside so she walks over to them.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you guys could help me," She asks them, they all turn their attention to her, "Yeah, sure," Casper West tells her which makes her smile a little, "right, so I'm new here and I'm having trouble trying to find my next class," She informs them, some of them shares looks and others don't really react, "Wait, the teacher move classes now too?" Alice Roberts asks, "Yeah, it's this new stupid system they're trying out, it's fucking complicated," Elliot White chimes in.

"Guys, back on track. Sorry Miss, what room is it you're looking for?" Sophia Fox asks politely, "It's uhm, 345," Miss Johansson lets them know, they have a quick discussion and look back at her like seagulls at potato fries, "I think our friend Y/n here can help you out with that," Alex Lee pats his friends back who looks zoned out, "I can what now?" She asks confused making everyone around her laugh. "Showing Miss Johansson where room 345 is at," Dawn Griffin says and munches down on a chip, Y/n nods and stands up, "Follow me," She says and smiles at her.


I walk towards the glass doors for the building with the classroom shes looking for, I push the door open and she walks past me, "Thank you" She thanks me, "you're welcome," I smile, and we begin walking towards the classroom in silence, "So, why business law?" She asks me, "You looked at my file?" I laugh making her laugh as well, "Well, my whole family are business lawyers, except my mom, she's a defense attorney, plus my dad owns a lawyer company which I have been promised to own one day," I explain hoping it's the right answer to her question.

"Even though your brother is older?" She asks me, "How did you know?" I laugh, "Well, I assumed since it takes 4 years to go through college and then another 2 if you really are trying on getting on with the big guys, and considering you're in your last year I'm guessing you are around 21?" She guessed, I open another door for her which leads into her classroom, "Here we are," I stand in the doorway and she walks over to her desk, "and before I leave, you were so close," I tell her and she makes a defeated face, "dangit, what did I miss?" She asks me, trying not to keep me too long.

"You are right about the whole brother thing, but I'm 22, not 21," I inform her, she smiles and looks down at a piece of paper on her desk, "and by the way, I like your dress, it's nice," I compliment her and close the door leaving her no time to answer, she's wearing this pretty, white pencil skirt dress, stopping in the middle of her thighs, complimenting her body, with a black blazer and black high heels, and tying the whole outfit together is the 2 rings on her finger and the Vivienne Westwood pearl necklace shes wearing.


I can't sleep, I'm tossing and turning and I have been for hours now, I keep thinking about it, how my best friend doesn't know the most important thing about me, how have I not told him yet, how has it slipped my mind to tell him, I found out years ago, and the whole group knows except for him, I feel so shitty for not telling him. I start crying thinking about it, "Y/n, go to sleep, please" Alice groans, "Sorry," I say and wipe my tears, I'm going to tell him, at some point soon, I will tell him.

A/N: This is a little slow burn, which I'm sorry about but don't worry, it's gonna start burning a lot more soon, I just don't wanna rush it. Anyways, stay safe love you<3

Miss Johansson ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon