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"Here you go," Matthew hands me a piece of paper with rules on it.

"No smoking inside, no taking alcohol from the house, Only be in the bathroom downstairs or the kitchen, No drugs, Clean up after yourselves," I recite from the list, "Reasonable, I guess," I add and look up at him.

"Y/n, Matthew, and I are leaving in 15 minutes and will not be back till tomorrow around lunchtime," Lizzie says as she walks down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I ask her and spin around on my chair.

"Scarlett's birthday party, she's having it for some friends and said we could stay at her house till tomorrow," Matthew smiles without thinking.

"Oh, well you guys have fun, my friends are going to be here at 6 so I'm just going to order a pizza," I say and give them both a hesitant smile. "But, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna have a great night and so are the two of you, and it's my last weekend here so I'm going to make it a good one," I say cheerfully and nod my head trying to convince both them and myself that I'm fine.

"We are gonna go, you have fun tonight, and call us if you need anything," Lizzie says as she puts on her shoes. I salute her and walk into the living room.

"Wish Scarlett a happy birthday from me," I yell as they walk out the door.

I said it myself, it's my last weekend having this whole house to myself, so I have to enjoy it, and have fun. The others will be here any minute so it's gonna be good, I've had paid pizza for dinner, I have taken my pills, and nothing else can go wrong.


There is a knock on the door and before I even open it I can hear girls laughing outside, "Hi!" I squeal as I open the door and hug them all hello. 

"I didn't know you lived like this holy shit," Ellie says and pushes past me into the kitchen, the rest of them following behind her. 

"Not my house, it's my brother and his fianceé's, I'm just staying here til Friday," I reply clearing up the confusion, they all look at me shocked, the girls beginning to pull liquor bottle after liquor bottle out of their bags. 

"And they trust you here alone?" Elliot asks me and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket and both Casper and Louis start begging him for one. 

"One. Yes, they do, two. Being here alone also comes with rules, number one being: No smoking inside. If you wanna smoke go outside and throw the buds into the bucket outside," I say and pull the cigarette he almost lit out of his mouth. 

"Same with the weed?" Sophia buds in, I sigh and turn to her. 

"Yes, same with the weed, we aren't even allowed to smoke it here, not allowed to do drugs either," I say and smirk at her, knowing damn well we won't follow those rules. 

"Look, just enjoy it, we have music, the only alcohol in this house that you touch is the beer on the terrace out back and you leave the liquor cupboard in the living room alone, if you take even a sip you pay 1000$," I warn all of them, they laugh probably thinking I'm joking. 

"You have got to be kidding dude, that's a little extreme," Louis laughs and drinks from one of the bottles Sophia pulled out of her bag. 

"I am very much not, my brother is going to murder me, he told me so myself," I laugh and tell them all to have fun, we all pretty quickly agree on going outside so we can smoke and drink at the same time. 

I sit down in one of the chairs outside and Ellie does as she always does and sits down on top of me with her legs over the armrest on the side. "Ell, I'm afraid you are going to get either tobacco or fruit-flavored smoke in your face if you don't move," I tell her. 

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