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I pull up to Lizzie and Matthews house, the driveway is filled with cars and people walking in and out of the building. I know that Matthew got help with the guestlist from our mother even though he didn't want her help, she gave it to him anyway, well, she invited the people and told him afterwards. Which he wanted to start a fight about, but Lizzie got him calmed down, which is another reason why they are perfect for eachother. And when I say perfect for eachother, I don't mean in the bad way like Jason and Alice, or My mom and dad, but like Elizabeth and Matthew, who indeed are two perfect pieces of a puzzle. And who's kids will be very lucky to have them. I park my car and walk up to some of the people who are standing outside, most of them are my mom's friends, some are family, obviously, but mostly my mom's business friends.

I walk inside and walk straight to the kitchen where I find two different cooks making dinner for tonight, and a couple servers walking in and out serving champagne to everyone. "Y/n!" Lizzie yells out for me and walks over and hugs me. A server walks over and offers us both drinks, she takes one and I decline, cause, you know, I don't drink, well I don't drink anymore.

"So, where is Matthew? I don't see him anywhere?" I ask her and look around the room not being able to see my brother anywhere, and knowing them, they stick together like glue, so it is kind of weird that he isn't with her talking with me right now.

"He is outside on the porch arguing with your mother," She says and bottoms up her glass, looking sad about the whole ordeal. "And I wouldn't ask you this if I really didn't need it, but can you please go talk to both of them?" She asks me, I sigh and nod walking away from her and outside, where Matt and my mother are arguing, not yelling, but still, arguing.

"Mom, we are not going to discuss this here, and what Y/n does in her freetime is none of your concern," Matthew tells her. She looks offended and ready to say something back to him but stops when she sees me.

She walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders, "Y/n, so nice to see you, and I'm so happy that you're okay. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you," She gives me a smile and glances over at my brother who rolls his eyes at her.

"I didn't need you mom, I had who I needed, which was Lizzie and Matt, so it doesn't matter if you were there or not," I tell her, which Matthew chuckles at, knowing that I'm missing a name in that coalition. "So mom, just, leave me be, let me live my life, let me run dad's company and just be me, instead of the crazy mini version of yourself you tried to create with me," I explain to her, which makes her sad. Well, she looks sad, she probably isn't.

"Okay, well, I'm sorry," Her voice cracks and she walks back inside, not wanting to argue with me, probably because she knows I'm right, and because she knows what it's going to end with.

Matthew hugs me and makes sure I'm okay, a snowflake lands on my eyelash and I look up at the sky, hundreds of snowflakes are falling down upon us, which makes us run back inside.


We are all sitting at the tables eating dinner, utensils clanging against the porcelain plates, and the sound of people sipping on their different glasses once in a while, I'm sitting next to Scarlett and opposite Matthew who is sitting next to Lizzie and unfortunately Alice, Alice is sitting across from me and in front of Scarlett, which is my mothers fault, she wants me and Alice to become friends again, but after what she did, I don't think that's ever going to happen.

"So, Y/n, how have you been lately?" She asks me, I take a deep breath and give her a very fake smile.

"I've been fine," I say and glare over at Matthew, "Not that it's any of your business," I mumble, which she hears.

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