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I felt Cici's fingers lace through mine. 

Her stiletto nails two hours passed freshly painted dug painfully into the back of my right hand. I didn't get the chance to protest as the floor beneath us hit the concrete with a thud. 

Out of my peripheral I saw the wind rip her blonde and black lace front off her head as the ride called the "Spinner" took off abruptly.

I had told her to glue that shit down, but she suggested that them three bobby pins had her back.

The ride finally came to a slow. I hadn't gotten much of a chance to scream because I was laughing. 

"Fuck! Where my wig at!? I got that off AliExpress for a cool 250.00." Cici griped, obviously frustrated. 

She quickly hopped out her seat, bumping shoulder to shoulder with other people who were just as anxious to get off the ride.

Cici's flip flops slapped the metal steps as she made her way down. 

I never understood why she wore that fake ass horse hair anyway. Her hair was braided into a neat beehive at the moment. Un-braided she had short hair that curled up real pretty. It went well with her face.

Cici hated it though. She said it was too much trying to de-tangle it everyday, but I ain't one to talk. I had a fade, and a lining. I don't know what women do with they hair for real.

"Lus! Help me find me gotdamn wig." I watched Cici crouch down on her knees eyeing beneath the ride. "That wig is long gone boo." I shrugged, shoving my hands into the front pocket of my jeans. Cici let out an angry breath. "You gon' come up off 250.00?" Cici questioned as she stood up fast dusting off her multicolored leggings. 

I laughed. "Naw, I told you to glue that shit down." Cici glared at me. "Look, just take out yo beehive, throw some water on that shit, and let's finish having fun."

Cici didn't argue even with an ugly mug on her grill. She simply walked off toward the area where the porta potties stood. 

I watched a few dudes glance her way. Ci was dark chocolate, with doorknob titties, and a big ass round booty. She was real petite, and kinda compact. She stood about four nine.

 I wasn't looking at her like that, but I had eyes to know why other dudes did.  

I have known this girl since kindergarten. I promise it has never crossed my mind to do nothing. Ci was just that cool ass female friend you could chill with.

I remember getting high, and drunk. Either way we were both fucked up. She was pissed off about her wig still, so we had my boy at the time -- Ro pass a lil something to us.

I guess we fucked, but I don't even remember. Ci was my first, and like I had amnesia -- I don't remember that shit. None of it. What's worse was that she didn't either.

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