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[Jordan "Jojo" Portrayed by Issac Ryan Brown]

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[Jordan "Jojo" Portrayed by Issac Ryan Brown]

Two years later.....


I graduated. I really did that shit!

I stood tears rolling down my cheeks. My family stomped down the stadium as I crossed the stage. I heard Jojo screaming "That's my Mommy." In sync with my parents hollering "That's my baby!"

Once all the hype ended I was whisked away to a surprise grad party Lus, and his family had put together for me. I thanked them immensely, greeting all the same childhood friends who'd shown up for our spring break staycation many months before.

I danced around with Jojo allowing him to spin me in my silver kitten heels.

Willow soon took a spot dancing beside me. Over the few months we'd gotten closer. I'd even talked with her about the situation with Lus amongst other things.

"Finally her ass can get a job,and help with these bills." Lus ended his speech. I laughed along with everybody else, as cheering followed behind.

I swatted him with one of the golden balloons I had decided to play with.

A few wine glasses clinked together in a toast, and the music was soon turned back up.


Cierra looked good in her after party dress. Silver dress. Silver heels. She spun around happily enjoying the music surrounded by people who had been rooting for her since day one.

I glanced over at our parents; her's and mine. My mom, and her's fussed so much over the food, and at me as we took two hours to get the entire banquet hall decorated in black and gold.

My Dad hung balloons from the ceiling as Ci's Dad waltzed around getting the tables ready.

A lot had changed over the time. Ci had decided to move out as my relationship with Brandy took off in a way I hadn't foreseen.

She was my girlfriend now for an ongoing year, and 3 months.

Cierra wasn't too pleased with the idea at first, but she seemed to care for Jojo enough so she ignored her feelings towards it.


"My feet are killing me." Cierra groaned coming out of her heels in my truck. Jojo sat slumped over in the back seat sleeping. Ci's grad party finally ended at 8:45pm.

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