Past records

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Greyson POV:

We've been cleaning this horrible mess for too long for my liking. I never want to see another speck of blood again, although I don't think that's possible.

I don't know where Axel put the bodies but then again I don't really care. Which sounds careless, it is. But I never really had a good relationship with my aunt and especially not my uncle.

I'm less upset and more angry at the people who did this, maybe even concerned that they're targeting my family.

I'm not supposed to feel any emotion that can make me weak or vulnerable, and I do try not to. It's easier that way. I've trained myself to not feel or show emotion, and in the rare times that I do, I hide it well.

Although I didn't before, I remember crying every night for weeks because of everything he made me do. I cried quietly so that my father wouldn't hear, crying quietly is a skill I mastered after a while.

In some ways he helped me, if I had let myself feel the pain I have compressed all these years. I would probably be dead. But I never let anyone see past the strong barrier because that's what I was taught to do.

The best thing for me to do is make everyone believe I'm okay as if I'm not fighting with myself everyday. Because maybe I myself will eventually believe that.

All though I doubt it

I don't tend to cover up my scares and bruises from the past mainly because they made me who I am despite the horrible truth behind them.

It's fine, I'm so over it.


"AXEL" I shout

"WHAT?" I hear him yell in response from upstairs

I stay quiet until I hear him walk down "What? What do you want?" He sounded out of breath

"You missed a spot" I smile and point to a blob of blood

He scoffs and starts walking back upstairs "Do it yourself asshole"

"Hey, where did you put the bodies?" I ask finally

"I buried them somewhere" he says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't worry I placed flowers" he adds after not hearing a response from me

"HEY GUYS!" I hear Claire shout and rushing footsteps coming our way.

"I found something" she is now standing in front of us holding a very old looking journal by the looks of it.

"What is it?" Ashton appears next to her

"I think it's Dad's journal." she sits on the couch next to me shortly followed by Axel and Ashton.

"I didn't know he wrote in a journal" I say

"Just show us already" Ashton says desperately

Claire flicks through the pages but, just as she was about to turn it I stopped
"August 21st" read the date

"That's Rose's Birthday"

"Coincidence?" I hear Ashton say

"Maybe" I reply

"Do you think he has records on all of us?" Axel asks

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