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"What do you mean?" Axel asks

I know exactly what he means.

I should of told them.

"There's a family curse that our father failed to mention" he rolls his eyes "I don't know much about it"

"Well that's just great isn't it" Ashton snarks

"Hey at least I actually have valuable information" he shoots back

"Where do we even search, have you seen the size of this library?" Claire says

"I think I might know" I step forward "I might know something about it"

"So you're telling us that now? You didn't think it was important enough to tell us earlier or something?" Axel asks, annoyed

"Really Rose?" Claire says

"It didn't seem that important at the time, and there was so much going on I forgot about it eventually" I pause and look around to see their clearly annoyed expressions. Not including Greyson who just look as emotionless as usual.

"I'm sorry okay! I should have told you when I found out and I will" I say

"It doesn't matter anymore anyway, it's done. Suck it up" he says looking at Axel "Rose do you remember which section the books about our family are?" He asks

"Yeah" I say and walk towards the section Tyler and I were at not too long ago

I stopped at the right section and pick out the book I was looking at last time.

"I didn't finish it last time I read it, I got a bit...distracted?" I say

I stare at the bold words written on the front cover reading 'Night Bloods'.

"Hm" he takes it out of my hands

"Hey!" I say, trying to jump up and reach for it.

I forgot he was around triple my height.

Ugh I hate being so short.

He continues to ignore me as he flicks through the pages until he stops at the page that I stopped on that read 'Michael Anderson'

"The deal with the devil" he reads aloud

"You may want to sit down for this" he adds


"Damn I feel like I'm back sitting on the carpet in home schooling" says Ashton "Except it's not as comfortable" he adds in a huff as he sits down

"I know right don't they have any seating here, this hurts my ass!" Axel complains

"There are seats just not here" I say

"Then why does he get one?" Axel gestures to Greyson who was completely ignoring us all while sitting comfortable in his arm chair.

"Seriously Grey at least read it out loud" Claire rolls her eyes

"The deal with the devil made my a descendant of Michael Anderson and four others, leader and creator of the night blood army fought against the leaders and protectors of the rest of the underworld."

"The deal with the devil was made by the first five ever night bloods to ever exists many many years ago. Five people each coming from different families; Cristina Marwood, Valentino Umbra, Sullivan Blackwell, Brannon Mallory and Alex Anderson"

"Well that's just great isn't it" Axel sighs "And he didn't think of telling us any of this?"

"They together were summoned by the devil himself, in hopes to make a very interesting deal. Even though they came from very different backgrounds, they together shared the same craving for power. The deal was, the devil is able to grant them more power and strength by giving them his black blood. This makes them stronger than the average human. In conclusion, they got what they wanted but the devil wanted something in exchange." he pauses and looks round at all of us

"You should see your faces, you look like puppies waiting to be fed" he rolls his eyes

"Get to the fucking point" Axel urges

"The devil feeds off of memories, the more and the stronger they are the better. So in exchange for their power he planted a curse on every 10th child in the line." he finishes

"Seriously" Claire says "Is that it?"

"Um" he scans the page "It says that the Andersons are the last surviving night bloods" he concludes

"Great, just great. We've had a great history lesson but we still know nothing about what the curse really is" Ashton complains

"You're missing the point" Axel says

"Who the fuck is the tenth child in the line?" Greyson asks

"It could quite literally be any of us" Claire says

"Man that's terrifying" I hear Ashton say "We need to keep searching for anything we can about this"


"OUCH! YOU BITCH THAT HURTS!" Axel grunts and holds onto his head "You did that on purpose!"

Greyson was on a ladder on the shelf above.

"It was an accident my bad"

"Yeah sure an accident" Axel was still rubbing his head

"Then don't get in my way"

Greyson really dropped a book on his head?

Hold up when there hell did they find a ladder?

"Where did you even find that ladder?" I ask genuinely confused

"Umm Ashton found it lying around in some room" Axel says, his whole concentration still fixed on the books

"Where?" I ask

"The one over there?" I point

"Oh yeah I guess"

"The one that says staff only?" I ask again

"Oh uh probably, didn't see that" he shrugs

"I found one!" Axel shouts

"Ugh again" Claire grunts

"Read it"

He clears his throat and flicks through a few pages

"If you don't start reading in a few seconds I swear to god I'll-" Greyson gets cut off

"Most things that we already know, but it says that the devil can only enter the mind and body if you're experiencing any type of mental or physical pain and you'll know when it happens since there are symptoms. It basically gives you its powers while it's in your body. And when it's finally entered, there's nothing you can do to stop it."

"What are the symptoms?" Claire asks

"Umm I'll try and find it" he continues to flick through the pages for what seems like too long. Complete silence, apart form the paper turning over.

Greyson grabs the book impatiently and starts flicking through the pages himself.

"Why do you always do that?!"

"You were taking too long"

"Ok right symptoms are"

This will be interesting.


"Random bursts of pain"


"Sudden dizziness"



My head snaps back up to Greyson and the others.

It must be a coincidence.


There's no denying it.


Amongst the worstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora