The Movies

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Brianna felt a sense of relief as she settled into her seat next to Brandon in the cinema. She still felt self-conscious about the incident. As the previews for the movie played, Brandon tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

"Hey, Brianna, do you want to make a run for the bathroom before the movie starts?" he asked, nudging her playfully.

Brianna smiled, grateful for the lighthearted gesture. "No, I'm good," she replied, giggling.

The movie started, and they both sat in silence, watching the screen. Brianna found herself getting lost in the plot, and for a brief moment, she forgot about the incident. But as the movie dragged on, she began to feel antsy. She knew that she should use the bathroom before it was too late, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself.

Brandon must have sensed her discomfort because he leaned over and whispered, "Hey, do you need to go to the bathroom? The movie is two hours long, you know."

Brianna blushed, realizing that he knew exactly why she was fidgeting. "No, I'm fine," she said with a hint of stubbornness.

As the movie ended and they stepped out into the lobby, Brianna felt a knot in her stomach. She had made the mental decision to hold it in until she got home. She glanced over at the sign pointing to the restrooms, hesitated for a moment, but made up her mind to ignore it. Brianna didn't want to cave in and admit she had trouble holding it in.

Brianna turned to Brandon, "Let's just go. I don't feel like going to the bathroom."

Brandon looked at her, "Are you sure? You look like you need to go."

"I said I'm fine!" Brianna replied, irritation creeping into her voice.

Brandon nodded, sensing that she didn't want to talk about it anymore. As they walked back to his car, Brianna couldn't help but feel the pressure building. She knew that she really needed to pee, but she was determined to hold it in until she got home.

As they drove back, Brianna fidgeted in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position. Brandon noticed her discomfort and reached over to take her hand.

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking at her with concern.

Brianna nodded, "I'm fine, just uncomfortable."

"Brianna, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I made things awkward with my jokes earlier. I didn't mean to upset you," he said, looking at her with concern.

Brianna felt her face flush. "What jokes?" she asked, hoping that he hadn't noticed the accident.

Brandon looked at her, "The ones about the bathroom. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable."

Brianna's eyes widened. She felt a sudden wave of anger wash over her. "Did you see that? Did you see me... you know..." she trailed off, unable to say the words.

Brandon hesitated, "I... yes, I saw it. But Brianna, it's okay. It happens to everyone."

Brianna felt a lump form in her throat. She couldn't believe that he had seen her like that. "I can't believe you didn't tell me. I feel so embarrassed right now," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Brandon could sense that Brianna was angry and upset. He knew that he had crossed a line by bringing up her accident, and he felt terrible about it. "Brianna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," he said, his voice full of regret.

Brianna took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Brandon, why would you bring that up? I didn't even know that you saw what happened. Now, I feel really embarrassed," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

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