Chapter 10: Bad Advice

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Brianna wiped the sweat from her brow as she worked in the heat of the day on the farm. The familiar routine of caring for the animals helped remind her of how beautiful life is. Even though it's hard work, seeing new calves being born and cows getting milked always helped her remember how simple life can be. But today, her thoughts kept drifting back to Brandon and how complicated things truly were.

She couldn't shake the memory of their hike, the way he looked at her with such love and admiration. He took the extra time and effort to pack a lunch for them to enjoy at the top of their climb. She couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart, knowing he truly cared for her. Not only did he care for her, but they had so much in common regarding their values. Sure, he's a tech, and she's a farm girl; they can't be more different, but that doesn't matter when they both share the same vision for their future. Even with all of that, there was still a twinge of worry hiding beneath the surface for her.

How were they going to make this work? His dad hates her. They are both broke and with the demands of the dairy farm, how would they ever have time for each other? It's like everything was perfect for them, yet everything was getting in the way. 


Every passing thought made things feel bleaker. She was trying her best to make things work between them—they both were. But even with the good communication between them, it didn't change the fact that she knew they were both still holding back. She loved to see Brandon light up each time she had an "accident," the way he would get all nervous and slightly flustered. But wetting herself still felt like the most humiliating thing on the planet. 

"Hey, Bri! You okay, girl?" Stefanie shouted, breaking Brianna's train of thought.

"Huh? Uh yeah, I'm okay. Why?"

"That's like the third water bucket you've overfilled. Something on your mind?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Ha! Yeah right, you are the most efficient worker here, and I'm out working you. What's going on?"

"Shit, it can't be that obvious, can it?" Brianna thought.

"I've just been thinking about Brandon a lot lately," Brianna admitted sheepishly, with a light blush on her face. It was the truth, not the whole truth, but the truth nonetheless.

"That cute boy you've been dating forever?"

"Yeah... him."

Stefanie squinted, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, spill the beans, girl! How's it going with you two? Any juicy details?"

Brianna chuckled nervously, unsure how much she wanted to reveal. "Well, it's... it's good, you know? Brandon is really sweet, and we get along great."

Stefanie leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "That's it? Just 'good'? Come on, Bri, you can tell me. Are you two getting serious? Planning to move in together or something?"

Brianna hesitated, unsure how to respond. The truth was, she and Brandon had talked about moving in together, but with their current financial situations, it seemed like a distant dream.

"We've talked about it," Brianna admitted, "but it's complicated. His dad isn't exactly thrilled about us dating, and we both have our own stuff going on."

Stefanie nodded sympathetically, her mind already racing with ideas. "Well, you know what they say, where there's a will, there's a way. Maybe it's time to get a little creative."

Brianna raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Stefanie's suggestion. "What do you mean?"

Stefanie grinned mischievously. "I mean, maybe it's time to kick things up a notch. You know, give Brandon a little incentive to find a place for the both of you."

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