Chapter 6: How'd it go?

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As Brandon and Brianna parted ways after their heartfelt conversation in the park, both of them found their thoughts consumed by their relationship. The weight of their conversation hung heavy in the air as they went their separate ways, each lost in their own thoughts.

Brianna returned home, her mind still swirling with questions and uncertainties. She couldn't shake the feeling that their relationship had changed, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to embrace Brandon's unconventional attraction fully. Despite her love for him, she couldn't deny the difficulty of their situation.

Meanwhile, Brandon got in his car and drove home with relief and anxiety coursing through him. He was grateful that Brianna had been willing to talk things through, but he couldn't shake the fear that she might never fully accept him for who he was. He knew their relationship would require patience and understanding; things wouldn't be easy, especially with his dad still in the picture.

As Brianna arrived home, she was greeted by her mom, who eagerly awaited her return. "How did it go, sweetheart?" her mom asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Brianna hesitated momentarily, unsure of how much to share with her mom. She knew their conversation in the park was deeply personal, and she wasn't sure if she was ready or would ever be ready to divulge the details.

"It was... good," Brianna replied evasively, hoping to deflect her mom's probing questions.

But her mom wasn't easily deterred. "Come on, spill the beans! I want to hear all about it," she insisted, her excitement palpable.

Brianna sighed, realizing her mom wouldn't let it go until she shared something. "Well, we talked about... us," she admitted, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.

Her mom's eyes widened with interest. "Ooh, juicy! What did you talk about? Was it about your feelings for each other?" she pressed, unable to contain her curiosity.

Brianna shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how much to reveal. "Sort of," she replied vaguely, hoping to avoid getting into too much detail.

But her mom wasn't satisfied with her answer. "Come on, you can tell me. I'm your mom, after all," she said, her tone coaxing.

As Brianna stood in the kitchen doorway, her mom's eager gaze fixed on her, she realized she couldn't keep everything to herself. While she didn't want to divulge every detail of her conversation with Brandon, she knew her mom would be upset if she wasn't given some insight into what was happening.

"We talked about us," Brianna began cautiously, choosing her words carefully. "About how we're feeling and... where we see things going."

Her mom's expression softened, sensing Brianna's hesitation. "That sounds like an important conversation," she remarked gently. "Did you both come to any conclusions?"

Brianna nodded, grateful for her mom's understanding tone. "Yeah, we did. We want to see where things go, I think planning a date for us would be a great next step.  But it's... still complicated," she admitted, struggling to find the right words.

Getting up from the couch, her mom approached her to place a comforting hand on Brianna's shoulder. "Relationships often are, sweetheart. It's okay to take your time figuring things out," she reassured her.

Brianna managed a small smile, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "Thanks, Mom," she said sincerely.

Her mom squeezed her shoulder gently before releasing her grip. "Of course, honey. I'm always here for you, no matter what," she said warmly.

Feeling a sense of relief wash over her, Brianna made her way to her room, grateful for her mom's understanding and support. As she settled in for the evening, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of Brandon and their relationship, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for their future together.

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