Chapter 16: Almost Made it

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Brandon pulled up to Brianna's house. The drive back was a rush; every second it took was a chance for her to lose it and wet herself, each red light, every bump, stop sign, and turn. Brandon secretly hoped it would have been enough, but she miraculously held on.

"Thank the Lord!" The whole drive was miserable for Brianna. She didn't want Brandon to stop. She figured if she had a real accident, that would be the best treat for him. But she also wanted to make it in time. She knew this whole experience was already something he was going to love, even if she did make it in time. Besides, she didn't bring a spare set of clothes, and there was no way she wanted to face her mom in wet jeans again. If she was even still awake.

Brianna threw off her seatbelt and rapidly opened the car door, trying to make a beeline for it. She didn't care that Brandon didn't get her door for getting in or out of the car this time. She needed to pee, and badly. Brandon was quick in following suit. He wanted to see if she would make it in time. He tried to play it off as being caring and helpful, as he ran slightly faster than her, making it to the door just a second before her, opening it up for her.

The house was dark, except for a dimly lit kitchen. The microwave above the stove light was left on, allowing for just a touch of light in the otherwise dark house. The family had already gone to sleep by the seems of it. This was a bit of a shock to Brandon; he thought that Diane would have wanted to talk with him first about sleeping arrangements. But that didn't matter right now. Brianna was caught off guard a little, too, but didn't really care. She needed to pee now.

Brandon watched as Brianna tried rushing past the living room towards the kitchen, where the bathroom was off to the left. But just as she entered the kitchen, she lost it. Brandon saw her still rushing towards the bathroom but was able to clearly see the wet streak flowing down her legs. He quickly followed behind her, he was unsure if he could offer any support. He wanted to, but he also wanted to see the rest of her accident.

Brianna ran into the bathroom; she just wanted to get on the toilet and avoid making any more of a mess on the floor. Forgoing modesty, she left the bathroom door open, focusing only on getting on the toilet. Besides, everyone was already asleep; it was just her and Brandon awake. She sat on the toilet as quickly as possible, not bothering with her pants; they were already soaked, so what was the point? As the current of urine flowed out of her, finally getting sweet relief, she looked up towards the door and saw Brandon staring back at her with a dumbfounded look on his face, practically completely in a trance. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment seeing him there.

"Oh, my goodness. That was so hot... No! I need to be supportive. I can't take advantage of the situation." Brandon felt guilty for getting so aroused by everything that took place. Suddenly, he saw her look directly at him as he stood in the doorway. "Shit! She saw me." Brandon quickly averted his gaze from her, pretending to look at something else, but he knew she had seen him. He felt like a terrible boyfriend and, hopefully, soon-to-be fiancé. She wanted to treat him with a show, and now he managed to screw it up again by making things awkward.

Brianna sat there as the last of her pee made its way into the toilet. She wasn't sure what to do. She felt embarrassed having an accident like this when she was so close to making it. On the other hand, Brandon seemed extremely flustered in a cute way. Obviously, this whole experience was a huge turn-on for him; there was no hiding that. She contemplated her options for a moment. Do they try to pretend this never happened and make it awkward, or does she embrace it and make this the best day of Brandon's life, and possibly for their relationship?

"I should probably find her a change of clothes. That would at least be helpful." Brandon went to step towards the living room, where he saw a pile of clean clothes, but before he could get out of sight from the door frame, he heard words from Brianna that had to be a hallucination or something. His mind had to have been playing tricks. There was no way he heard her correctly. He froze on the spot, unsure if he had heard her correctly.

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