Chapter 17: Roomies?

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Brandon walked back in with his bags. He saw Brianna standing over at the stove with a piece of paper in her hand. Confused, Brandon set his bags next to the couch and approached her to find out what was going on.

"What's that?" Brandon asked as he walked right behind Brianna. She turned to him and handed him the note to read over.

"Hi you 2!

I hope you both enjoyed the movie. We'll be asleep by the time you two get back. We didn't really talk about where Brandon would be sleeping while he stays here with us.

Given you two love birds are destined to get married, I figured he could stay up with you Bri. I only have 2 rules.

1. Don't be too loud, some of us need to work.

2. No sex.

Outside of that, I don't care what you 2 do. I was young once. Make out, cuddle, chat until you both pass out, I don't care. Just no sex, and don't wake us up.




Welcome to the family Brandon"

Brandon couldn't believe his eyes. He hoped this didn't give away his secret about proposing, but honestly, it likely wasn't much of a surprise at this point. He looked at Brianna, a little stunned. He knew her mom was pretty progressive, but this was a bit much, at least compared to his family. Something like this would never happen.

"Are you okay with this? I know things got a little heated there for a moment. Would you be more comfortable if I slept on the couch?" Brandon felt awkward sharing a room with Brianna. They had just pushed their relationship to a whole new level. Growing up in a restrictive Christian home, he never imagined something happening like this. With so little relational and sexual education, he wasn't really sure what to expect as he fell in love.

"No! I mean, if you are good with it. I'd like you to sleep with me." Her word choice hit her like running into a wall. Her face quickly blushed, as did Brandon's. "Not with me. I mean, if you want to share a room... I'd like that." She smiled warmly at him, awaiting his response.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that. But I don't think we can let things get as far as they did." Brandon had mixed emotions. On the one hand, he wanted to be able to cuddle up to Brianna, to feel him next to him as they drifted off to sleep, but on the other, he didn't want to risk the potential of things going too far before they were both ready.

"Don't worry, I don't have to pee anymore." Brianna gave a playful smile as she raised her eyebrows flirtatiously. Brandon just giggled and shook his head. He loved her playful nature. But he also knew their core beliefs were at jeopardy if they kept acting the way they did tonight. He knew he would have to have a serious conversation with her tomorrow, but for tonight, he would just enjoy the ride, without taking things too far. 

"Well, in that case." Brandon bent over slightly, as he took his arm and moved it behind Brianna's legs, in one swift motion he picked her up off her feet carrying her in his arms. He knew he wouldn't be able to carry her up the spiral stair case up to her room, but he figured they could at least have a little fun as he carried her over towards them, back near the living room. He still needed to bring up his bags anyway. 

"Shoosh!" Brandon tried to silence Brianna as she let out a light squeak from getting picked up again, only this time getting carried bridal-style. Her heart fluttered as he held her close to his chest. Even though she was just around him a moment ago, this felt different. Straddling him felt sexual and erotic; this felt much more... romantic. She knew Brandon had a strong romantic side to him, but she felt surprised each time it came out. 

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