Chapter 2: You Just Need To Give It Time

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(Lillian's Pov) *TW*

I jolted awake with a slight panic in my chest. This happens mostly every morning because well, my life and my family is a piece of shit and even though I left my hellhole a few days ago, there seems to be some trauma it brought along...Fucking assholes. So due to my past and trauma, I can't sleep anymore for the life of me no matter what I do.

I either stay up all night crying and hurting myself or pass out and have nightmares about my mother and siblings abusing me which either wakes me up early and makes me cry or have a panic attack to the point of hurting myself...or most cases it's both because I'm so fucked up...but hey, who gives a shit huh? I'm nothing but a failure and nothing more than the little sister that no one cares about...So there's that.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I panted breathlessly and put my shaky, clammy hand on my aching chest to hear my racing heartbeat. I closed my eyes and took some slow deep breaths to calm myself down...I may be smart on some occasions but knowing how to calm yourself down in the midst of a nightmare and forcefully waking up isn't easy to do...especially since I've been doing it by myself for the past 6 years so...there's that also.

Once I was calm enough, I wiped the sweat from my face and looked to see it was a little after 6am which made me groan...I really hate waking up this early, I hate waking up in general...shit's mad exhausting...I yawned and sighed knowing I wasn't going to go back to sleep anytime soon so might as well take a shower so I don't reek of morning sweat...gotta love it.

I rolled my eyes as I hopped off my bed and stretched my stiff and sore muscles. I grabbed my towel from the rack hanging from my bedroom door and quietly walked out of my room knowing my brother wouldn't be awake anytime soon. I walked out to the kitchen seeing Sheldon Cooper, my brother's best friend, colleague and roommate.

I'm not sure what his deal is and I'm positive he doesn't like me due to the fact that I just moved in and Leonard didn't tell him about it...guess the man's crazy or so I heard. But after a while, he has no ill feelings towards me since he knows I'm a nerd like he is so it's all mutual...he's still a little odd though but then again, so is my brother so I'm not gonna question it.

He was wearing his red robe, the flash t-shirt and some red joggers to match his robe and dark brown slippers...Leonard already filled me in on his crazy shit and rituals so I was just gonna let him do what Sheldon do and just do what he says basically because again...he's crazy although, I've been told his mother had him tested so...yea...something else then...weird.

I yawned tiredly and rubbed my eyes "Good-Morning Sheldon" I greeted, he looked at me with no expression in his face which I'm also told that he doesn't really do unless he's excited about things like trains, Disneyland, the comic-book store and or videogames so...yea, he certainly is a character...But then is my brother so I guess I can't complain "Oh, good-morning Leonard's sister Lillian" he said, I sighed and rolled myself "Sheldon you don't have to keep saying Leonard's sister Lillian, you can just call me Lillian or Lilly for short" I explained.

He looked confused "Well aren't you Leonard's sister?" He asked, I rolled my eyes "yes, but you don't have to continue to announce it just to talk to me" I stated, he stared at me "True. Fine. Good Morning Lillian" He said again, I smiled softly "Good morning. Will you be needing the bathroom anytime soon?" I asked, "Well I have yet to eat and my normal bowel movement isn't until 7:20 so no" He said...yup, interesting.

I just nodded "alright I'm going to take a shower" I said, he didn't say anything but sit on his spot on the couch which yes, he has his own spot on the couch that no one else can sit in but him because he's stubborn and weird. He had a bowl of cereal and began to watch some television program that I'm sure Leonard mentioned he does but somewhere in there I think I either zoned out or blacked out, one of those two. I don't know, there's too much shit to know about this guy to keep track of, let alone remember it all...I'm smart, but not that smart.

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