Chapter 5: Depression Settling In

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(Sheldon's Pov)

I woke up early this morning and did my usual routine. I had breakfast which was a high in fiber cereal. Then at 7:20 I did my usual bowl movement. A little after that, Penny had came over just in time as Leonard woke up as well. They greeted each other with their usual public display of affection hug and kiss before walking to the kitchen to make some coffee. I wasn't particularly interested in what they talked about so I zoned off about other things like String Theory and trains...I like trains.

After a while of having breakfast, Lillian had finally woken up and walked out from her room. Although, she didn't look far too well, her face was pale yet puffy and red. The bags under her eyes were dark and looked like she must've been crying, welp, time for a hot beverage.

She didn't know Penny had came over nor was she properly introduced to Penny. Leonard had introduced his girlfriend to his sister who now looked embarrassed. Once I made Lillian coffee, I gave it to her which made her confused but then smiled a little. I of course pointed out that she might've crying and that it's customary to make that someone who's sad a hot beverage. She blushed with embarrassment which made Leonard concerned for her as they hugged for quite a while.

After that, Lillian made jokes on why Penny's dating Leonard which I found quite funny and clever. She then made another joke that I didn't quite understand because she didn't really have a life nor a job to go too, but she told me it was a joke so I guess it was quite funny for her.

She then called me Shelly which I don't think I liked but then she kept calling me it, I wasn't sure what I felt about it to be honest, the only people who call me Shelly are my mother and twin sister Missy... 'interesting...hmm' My thoughts were cut off by Lillian's phone ringing, I was confused on who would be calling her because she didn't have many friends. But come to my surprise it was Raj who she called 'Raji' I was quite...uncomfortable with the way they spoke to each other on the phone, I felt this...weird feeling course through my body and I didn't like it at all...

We were all confused on why Lillian was talking to Raj but my theory is it's about Astrophysics since Lillian had a nice day yesterday talking with Raj about it...I wasn't really paying attention to it until Leonard asked if I was okay which I think I was but then again...I'm not too sure.

When Lillian finished her phone call, we all looked at her weirdly. Her and Penny continued to have boring small talk about Lillian moving in and whatnot and dealing with my friends and whatnot, blech, boring. By the time that conversation was done, Lillian told us Raj was picking her up for coffee then going to his lab to learn more about astrophysics. Lillian explained to Penny that she liked Astrophysics and didn't have friends.

I got a weird feeling and blurted out that I was her friend which made her confused because she thought I didn't like her. I was confused on how she came to that conclusion but apparently Leonard told her some truths about me. While that may be true, I've grown fond of Lillian. I mean she is smarter than any woman I know, she's funnier than her brother and she doesn't get in the way of any of my daily routines, plus she's highly likeable so I changed my mind and I now consider her my friend.

She giggled and smiled and called me sweet then called me Shelly again which I told her to stop doing, but apparently she found it cute which made me pout at her. There was a knock on the door which made Lillian answer to see it was Raj. I felt this weird feeling come back again which was making me quite frustrating because I couldn't place what I was feeling...Feelings and emotions weren't my strong suit, even when it came to me, I can never figure out what I'm feeling or what others are's such a struggle for me.

Anyways Lillian waved us goodbye as she and Raj headed out of the apartment and off to work, "Wow did that really just happen?" Penny asked, "What did?" I asked, "Raj actually leaving with a girl who's not disgusted by him" Penny stated, I was confused. Leonard laughed "Well, we'll just see" Leonard said, I was still thoroughly confused "Are you alright Sheldon? You look a little lost" Penny asked, "I'm feeling something and it's weird" I said,

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