Spinning Bottles

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This stories review has been a long time coming

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This stories review has been a long time coming. I did a review, or at least a minor one, a while back where I think I went through what amounted to 3 chapters. I have also sat with her multiple times and helped her get her story started. Then she waited to have it more fully reviewed, upon its full completion (though still to be edited), patiently on our discord server while I have reviewed other stories. You haven't seen me publish a review in a while because several stories I decided the author's would be better off with me taking the time to sit and explain to them my thoughts, and I generally couldn't get past the first 1-3 chapters. And now here we are.

I have read about half of it making up 11 chapters out of 33. Okay so that's actually a third. But I found enough to speak about, and judging from some consistent patterns, I think I will just end up beating a dead horse if I keep going as I predict it will keep going.

Also I am on heavy drugs. So lets see if I can make this half-way coherant! :D

Lets smash!

TLDR; Modern day girl-Aladdin turns out to be a disney genie-princess herself.

Main Characters: Cute and Painful - The main character is Girl-Aladdin and Drooling-Moron

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Main Characters: Cute and Painful - The main character is Girl-Aladdin and Drooling-Moron. We know this because those two get the first-person POVs. Girl-Aladdin is cute, relatable, high energy, extremely shy though not coy when she lets her opinion out and banters with the best of them, and loves people in general. Overall she was a great character to support, makes you want to see good things come her way, and is wounded enough to explain everything from the overcompensation to the shyness. The explanation of her wound is a bit redundant as it gets repeated almost per-chapter, creating artificial tension, and is triggered by everything imaginable, but it is still a decent wound. And I found her somewhat dumb, but this is well within suspension of disbelief being a teenager, so its acceptable. Overall I quite liked her.

The problem is her mother, aka the Drooling-Moron. I'm just sitting here trying to figure out where to even begin with her. I could say she is one of the most stupid, obnoxious, incompotent, and irritating characters I have ever read, and that wouldn't do her justice. She goes so far as to singlehandedly destroy the world building and sabatage the plot, just by existing and being this mind-numbingly dumb. I am not exaggerating when I say that I had a massive headcold while reading it, with 5 kids in the background screaming, and it wasn't the headcold nor the kids giving me a migraine, it was her. This level of raw stupid is not covered by any amount of suspension of disbelief. This bucket of advanced retardation is about as funny or effective as a dead-baby joke at an abortion clinic pulled off by a drugged up homeless guy, its that painful to JUST witness, much less process as something that is supposed to be a key piece in a large puzzle that needs to be fit together. Which is made all the worse by the fact that is given a first-person POV. She isn't a side character I can HAPPILY pretend doesn't exist, she is actually a main character alongside Girl-Aladdin. And, to really hit home on how stunning it was, the author tells me this on purpose. The character is supposed to be highly emotional and stuff. Well, she succeeded, and then went off the cliff and instead of hitting the ground went through a portal to hell.

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