8. Stitches || Jackieboy Man

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(I didn't do day 7 because I don't know how to write candy gore lmao)

Jackie looked around the bright room nervously, the plain white walls reflecting the painfully bright fluorescent lights. The table he was strapped to was cold, adding to the overall mood of the room.

"Hey, can I go now?" He called to whoever was watching him. He knew that somewhere outside the room was someone, watching his every move.

No response. Not surprising.

"Hellooooo..." Jackie called.

When only silence answered he sighed and laid his head back on the table. The door opened with a click and Jackie's head shot up.

"Oh there you are, I thought you forgot about me," He said sarcastically.

The man laughed, "Oh no, we could never forget about you, Jackieboy Man."

"God, your laugh is annoying. Can I go home now?"

"I don't think so," The man said, "See, you've caused a lot of trouble, with you capturing all of my men."

"That's the thing though, they're all evil as fuck."

The man ignored Jackie, turning and preparing something.

"What are you doing?" Jackie asked, trying not to let his nerves show in his voice. So far he was failing.

"Ah, nothing. Just something fun."

"Fun for me, or fun for you?"

"Well, hopefully it's not fun for you," The man turned around, grinning, brandishing a needle and thread.

"Oh you're kidding."

He shook his head, "Ok, prepare yourself, Jackieboy Man, this might hurt."

He lifted up Jackie's red hoodie a bit, exposing the hero's stomach.

"Wait, wait wait," Jackie said frantically, trying to yank his arms out of the restraints.

"Don't move or this will be worse for you," The man threatened.

A sharp poke stabbed at Jackie's stomach, before the weird feeling of the thick thread being pulled through his skin.

Jackie bit his lip, determined not to make a sound. Another stab, and Jackie whimpered quietly, droplets of blood forming on his stomach wherever the needle entered his skin.

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