18. Burns || Marvin the Magnificent

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Marvin put all his focus onto his magic, the strong magic he was wielding in a concentrated ball, forming tighter and tighter. Then it exploded, sending the bright blue magic across every part of the room. Everything it touched, it got absorbed into, leaving Marvin's room even more potent than usual, every item containing magic to some extent. Marvin looked down at his hands, which were tingling. They were fine, albeit a bit glowy, due to the magic.
His face hurt. Why did his face hurt?
Marvin scrambled to the bathroom, turning on the light. Half of his face was bright red, clearly burnt.
"J- Jackie?" Marvin called, his voice a bit quieter than he would've liked.
Not that it mattered anyway, because in a matter of seconds, Jackie was outside his bedroom door.
"Marv? Did you say something?" He asked, opening the door slowly.
"Y- yeah, can you come here?"
Jackie walked into the bathroom, "Yeah, what's-"
Then he noticed Marvin's face.
"Holy fuck are you ok??" He asked, panicked, gently grabbing the sides of Marvin's head, turning Marvin slightly so he could examine the burn.
"I don't think so..." Marvin said. The immediate shock was starting to wear off, and it hurt. A lot.
"Ok, uh- I don't know how I'm supposed to do this, I don't want to hurt you, and I-" Jackie stammered.
Marvin hissed, suddenly noticing a stinging pain from his chest. He looked down, but seeing nothing, proceeded to gently pull off his shirt, careful not to touch his face.
His chest was littered with more burns that were scattered across his skin, bright red mixed with the light pinks and whites of injured, discolored skin.
A small cry of pain left his mouth and tears sprung to his eyes.
"It hurts Jackie," He whimpered, turning to the hero.
"I- I'll call an ambulance?" Jackie said hesitantly, his voice turning up at the end, making it more of a nervous question.
Marvin nodded, trying to keep his breath steady, despite the horrendous pain. Jackie ran off, leaving Marvin alone with his pain.

(You better appreciate this one, I had to look up burns for this so I could make it more accurate and that shit is disturbing)

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