28. Undead || Antisepticeye

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Anti's eyes fluttered open. His chest ached with a searing pain. His heart unusually still in his body.
Anti pushed himself up, slowly pushing himself off of the cold table he was on. A sterile, cold scent worked its way into his nose, a silence so thick it made his ears buzz cloaking the room.
The pain in his chest flared and he gasped, grabbing onto the table to prevent himself from falling to the floor as his knees buckled. He pushed himself back to his feet, pressing his hand to his chest. Anti pulled his hand back, cold red staining his palm. He looked down, slapping a hand to his mouth to prevent a noise. A massive hole punctured his chest, so wide and deep that he could see all the way through himself. Shards of bones stuck out through the hole, blood dripping off of them.

Did I... die? Anti thought, panic making his stomach churn.
If he was dead, why was he still bleeding? Or breathing? Or even walking around?
He swayed on his feet, letting himself slowly drop to the floor, his legs unable to hold him up anymore.
"I- I'm dead?" Anti said, his voice coming out as a high-pitched whisper.

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