Waiting on a Miracle

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"Miguel, por favor, LET ME CARRY SOMETHING!" Y/n yelled at the four eyes as he stumbled into the courtyard, carrying waaay too many boxes.

"It's fine, N/n. Really, I promise." Miguel forced a way too big smile, trying to prove to the other teen that he really was fine.

But Y/n crossed her arms, eyeing him suspiciously. "Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Miguel."

From the other side of the room, Alma was barking out instructions. While her grandson tried to compliment the people doing an excellent job on their own, she demanded, "Camilo, we need another José."

"José!" He shifted into an exact replica of José, helping him hang a sign with Antonio's name above his brand-new door.

"Luisa! The piano goes upstairs!"

"I'm on it!" Luisa changed directions so suddenly, she dropped all the barrels she was carrying and almost ran Miguel and Y/n over. "Careful, bro, N/n!" she called, not slowing her pace.

Just as Miguel got himself back in place, the wind began to pick up, Y/n grabbing a bag that almost fell out of his hands. It had been Pepa, panicking on the other side of the room as she paced frantically, a tornado swirling around her. "My baby's night has to be perfect and it's not perfect and people are going to be coming and nothing's ready, the whole town will be here..."

Her husband desperately tried to calm her, fighting against the wind. "Pepi. Pepi. Pepita! You're tornadoing the flowers! The flowers!"

"Did someone say flowers?" Isabela danced down on her vines in front of Pepa and Félix.

"Our angel, our angel!" Félix praised, everyone around them clapping. Except for Miguel, who rolled his eyes, and Y/n, who blinked repeatedly.

"Please, don't clap." She handed Pepa a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you."

"Oh, it's nothing." She went to flip her beautiful, silky hair...right into Miguel's face. As she scoffed, they walked side-by-side with Y/n on his other side, Miguel trying to get the petals off of him as Isabela brushed herself off. "A little sisterly advice: If you weren't anyways trying too hard, you wouldn't be in the way. And N/n, if you weren't always hanging out with my brother, you'd be places by now."

Y/n did that head-jerk thing backwards as her eyes widened. "Actually, Isa, I'm pretty happy where I am."

"And this is called helping," Miguel cut in smugly, ready to murder his sister for saying something like that to Y/n...especially when he knew it was true.

Isabela rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She tried to walk away from them, but Miguel just could not let it go.

"And I'm not in the way. You ar -" Not looking ahead of him and instead at his eldest sister, he accidentally slammed himself in one of Casita's poles, Y/n cringing.

"That's gotta hurt."

"I'm fine," he replied, backing up a little and readjusting his glasses. "I'll be back, okay, N/n? Go...I don't know, help Camilo or something." He lugged the baskets into the kitchen, Y/n watching him go, finger delicately touching her mouth.

"Okay..." With a sigh, she went upstairs, where Camilo was finishing helping José put the sign back up. Seeing her, Camilo shapeshifted back into himself: a handsome young man with curly hair, Pepa's freckles, and a mix of colors in his eyes, making them a brownish hazel. It was no secret: girls in the Encanto went crazy for him. "Hola, mi vida," he teased.

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