You're More than Just Your Gift

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"Miguel! Miguel!" the village kids heard Luisa call out.

"They haven't found him yet?" Cecilia asked. Juancho and Alejandra shook their heads sadly.




Dolores strained to hear her cousin, but without her gift, it was useless. She sadly looked at the ground and kept moving.



Y/n pushed past the bushes to a river, where she heard soft crying and saw curly black hair bent over.

"Miguel?" she gently called, walking over. She slowly reached out to touch his shoulder, Miguel not flinching.

"Idiot!" she finally yelled, slapping him on the shoulder. "Do you enjoy making me worry?! Your family?! Do you jerk off to the idea of me crying my eyes out because you might be dead?!"

He stayed in his position, still whimpering.

"Migito..." She sat next to him, grabbing his head and placing it on his shoulder. "I didn't want to lose you. I was so scared I'd never see you again. Your smile, your laugh, your hug...I thought I had lost it all. And I...I love you..."

She listened to the sound of the river run and Miguel's cries. It was followed by the sounds of rustling from behind and a quiet, "Miguel..."

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled, still in Y/n's shoulder. "I didn't want to...hurt us...I just be something I'm not..."

She walked over and sat next to him, glancing at Y/n. Taking the hint, she pushed her head on Miguel's, then got up and began walking back.

Alma continued to sit there for another moment before speaking up. "I've never been able to...come back here. This where we were given our miracle..."

Miguel looked back up, first at his grandmother, then at the river. "Where Abuelo Pedro..."

"I thought we would have a different life...I thought I would be a different woman..."

Alma grabbed a candle and walked around the street, hopping up on a streetlight. Her eyes followed a yellow butterfly that flew by a handsome young man, who looked up and waved at her. She waved back, almost falling off. Catching it, she caught the man laughing and shrugged.

Dos origitas


Alma and Pedro spent their time together talking and falling in love.



Their wedding was small and traditional, Alma in a dress and veil, Pedro in a matching suit.

Pasan su noches

The couple kissed, holding the same candle in their hands.

Y madrugadas
Llnas de hambre,
Siguen anando


Y navegando un mundo
Que cambia y sigue cambiando

Alma reached on the same table here wedding picture was on for a cutout of a baby and showed it to her husband, who looked back excitedly. But when she opened it to show three, his jaw dropped and he pretended to faint on the bed.

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