A Miracle

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Y/n sat next to Miguel and Agustín, stiff as heck. She noticed Miguel staring Dolores down as Alma spoke with Señora Guzmán, who looked back at her with her slightly judgemental aura, light tension between the two matriarchs.

"The Guzmán's and the Madrigal's together will be so good for the Encanto," Alma said with a smile, seated at the head of the table, as always, next to Mariano's mother. [THEN JUST LET HIM MARRY DOLORES! JEEZ, LADY.] Mariano himself sat in the middle of her and Isabela. On the other side of Alma and by Julieta was M/n, patiently waiting out the night to tell Alma about Y/n's choice.

"Yes, then let's hope tonight is not a terrible disaster," the other old lady joked, although everyone knew she was being serious under the surface. [I am comedy.]

"Yes." Raising her glass, Alma called out, "To a perfect night. ¡Salud!"

Everyone called back except for Miguel and Dolores, who kept looking at each other, even while Miguel served himself food. Dolores looked back at him, teeth grit together as she held back her secret, her forehead creasing.

"I assumed all was well in La Casa Madrigal," Señora Guzmán said and put her hand on Mariano, looking fondly at him. "Though, when it comes to my Mariano, it is always best to see for myself."

"Oh, yes, Señora. After all, that is why Señora L/n is here." She gave M/n a hardened smile, who stared right back to defend her daughter's decision. "Señorita Y/n is such a nice young lady. She and Camilo would be perfect together. I actually wonder why they are not sitting with each other."

Finished with the bowl, Mariano passed it to Miguel, offering, and blocking him from Dolores. "Avocado?" [The way I LAUGHED at this scene -]

Instantly, he pushed the bowl away, only to find her whispering in her brother's ear. Startled, he began to change into Miguel, Bruno, then sat still with a derpy look on his face.

The Guzmán matriarch looked at him in confusion. Trying to distract her, Alma quickly poured her another glass of wine, chuckling.

Nudging him, Félix whispered, "Camilo, fix your face."

He shook it off, looking like his normal, cute self again. Trying not to panic, Miguel tried to stare him down next, but immediately got a pitcher of water shoved in his face.

"Water?" Isabela offered.

Y/n quickly took it and poured it for both herself and Miguel. But Camilo was already whispering to Félix, who choked and spat water across the room, drenching Mariano.

Trying to maintain her composure, Alma requested, "Miguel, the cream, please."

He tried to smile, not taking her eyes off of his grandmother. "N/n, the cream?"

She passed it to him, then Miguel passed it to Isabela, who gave him a weirded out look. But when she turned to pass it to Mariano, she tried to look as adoringly as possible. It only took one look at Dolores looking down at her plate for her to feel sympathy. She tried to shoot her an apologetic look without letting anyone else notice.

Thunder boomed over Pepa, who was looking at Miguel wide-eyed and mouth hanging open as Félix whispered in her ear.

"Pepa? The cloud?" Alma reminded awkwardly.

Rapidly stroking her braid hanging over her shoulder, she mumbled, "Clear skies, clear skies..."

Julieta leaned in, concerned. Her younger sister whispered back the secret so that Julieta looked back up at Miguel and Y/n, concerned. [Yes, Pepa is the middle triplet.]

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