[10] familiar face

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"I am so so sorry you had to wait for me for so long, tell me what you want!" I said to my best friend as we entered my house.

"Don't even worry about it, I nearly got lost trying to find the bus stop but there was a nice boy around our age who helped me... he was insanely handsome, I didn't even get to thank him properly." She pouted and sat down and then jumped up right back, " but what I really want is to explore this city!"

"Okay then let's go, and we'll have lunch there, because we both know we can't cook." We laughed and left my house.

"Can we go shopping?" Chaeri asked, "it's basically the same thing as exploring right, also can we eat first?"

I chuckled at my best friend, "of course we can." We found a small cafe and the owner had an adorable cat so we decided to eat in there. After eating we went to the mall. We were just about to head into one of the shops when Chaeri stopped me and grabbed my arm.

She looked ahead and gasped excitedly, "that's the guy!" She squealed excitedly as I tried to get a better look but couldn't properly see, "he's the one who helped me! I can thank him properly now."

Just then my phone rang, "Chaeri you go ahead I'll be there in a minute." I said as she nodded her head and I went and answered my phone. "Hello?" I asked and the line was silent for a good 30 seconds.

"How are you?" The unknown person asked, it sounded like an older female's voice, "are you well?"

"I think you have the wrong number." I replied before ending the call, I began walking to where Chaeri had seen her handsome helper and bumped into someone.

"Sor"— I stopped talking as soon as I looked up, after all these years I never expected to see him again. Baek Hyun.

He looked different, he was dressed in a dark suit and his hair had been slicked back, his eyes widened slightly as if he was remembering me. "Y/N? I am so sorry." He said apologetically, I couldn't move I was frozen.

"I-i need to go." I stammered barely getting any words out. However he seemed disappointed.

"I want to apologise, for everything." He hung his head low, did he actually change? "I know I treated you appallingly during our relationship and I truly regret that, I was young and stupid and I am not using that as an excuse to justify my actions. I truly am sorry."

I didn't say anything and stayed silent, I wanted to accept his apology but the words didn't come out, he looked to at me to see why I wasn't replying.

"Y/N." He called out to me worriedly and began shaking me by holding my shoulders, "what's wrong?"

"Get away from her."

It was Jungwon, he gently took my arm next to him, I snapped out of my frozen state and looked at Baek Hyun who was startled.

"Who are you?" Jungwon asked, his tone harsh and his voice went slightly deeper. Baek Hyun didn't say anything, he looked as if he was still trying to process everything.

"I-I'm sorry y/n." He looked at me once more and then walked off ignoring Jungwon. I put my head down.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Jungwon asked concerned, he lifted my head to face him, his eyes had softened. I nodded my head as a yes and muttered a small thank you.

"I'll take you home."

"No it's okay, I need to find my friend she was here with me." I said looking around the huge mall.

"Does your friend go by the name Chaeri?" Jungwon asked and I looked at him bewildered, "don't worry I'm not a creep, I saw her with Jay, I think they've met before."

"So he's the handsome boy?" I thought loudly forgetting Jungwon's presence who raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm offended." Jungwon pouted.

Ahaha update after a long time sorry about that.
🍜noodles for you.

neighbours ┃。 ͘ ͙ ☘︎

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