[19] innocent actions

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"but what if I kill you?" Jungwon questioned dolefully, "what if I take all of your blood? What if I can't control myself?" He looked down, away from my eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh a little, "I trust you." I replied, gaining his gaze back, "now can you please hurry up, I'm getting tired." I tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

He tucked in a strand of hair behind my ear and placed one hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"This might hurt." He whispered. He leaned in closer, his breathing became slightly slower as it made surface with my skin. His fangs bit in slowly, gradually going in deeper.

My hands went up to his arms, squeezing them slightly because of the pain. The pain that came excruciatingly slowly, Jungwon didn't stop yet.

My heart rate went erratic and my head was aching, "Jungwon" I mumbled before passing out.

I woke up to Jungwon laying next to me, I'd forgotten I was in his room, I placed a hand on my head because of the headache while fully getting up.

I took this chance to admire his room, it was just like him soft but a slight dark side, the room was fully painted cream, the carpet was a soft black similar to the black and white checkered curtains. There were small cactuses dotted on the windowsill.

I was just about to get of the bed, when I felt his had pulling me back causing me to fall into his embrace. "Your up." He mumbled drowsily. "Are you feeling okay? I should've stopped my self, I won't do this again, don't leave me y/n." He said everything in one go.

"I'm okay." I smiled at him reassuringly, "I won't leave you."

"Promise?" He lent out his pinky finger.

"Promise." I intertwined mine with his.

He looked down towards my neck and softly brushed over the bite, he moved from his laying position and was now on top of me.

"Don't you think this.... position... is..." i couldn't finish my sentence because of Jungwon suddenly kissing me. I quickly gave in.

We both broke apart the kiss, catching our breath. "I think this position is perfect." He said with a smirk, my cheeks blushed scarlet, "we could do a lot of things." He whispered into my ear.

Immediately I pushed him off and stood up, "I need to see where Chaeri is." I nervously laughed. He looked at me with an innocent like smile and ran a hand through his hair.

He stood up and walked towards me, he leaned down to my height with his hands in his pockets and stared straight into my eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" He smiled and patted my head, before returning to his normal height. I simply nodded my head as a yes before heading to the door.

I allowed my heart to calm down slightly before opening the door. I twisted the doorknob and to my surprise, Chaeri, Jay, Ni-ki and Jake all fell into the room.

"great, we got caught." Ni-ki said while getting up, the rest of them laughed timidly, before sprinting away. Ni-ki looked at them in awe but soon caught up.

I looked back at Jungwon and gave him a small wave before leaving his room. "Wait Y/N." He called out and walked to me and embraced his arms around me, to which I reciprocated back.

"I'll pick you up at six thirty tomorrow." He said while letting go, I looked at him confused.

"for what?" I asked.

"The ball." He smiled while playing with the ends of my hair. I looked at him with a face if realisation and nodded.


He walked with me until the front door, where Chaeri was waiting with Jay, she was laughing about something Jay said.

"I think he found his soulmate." Jungwon whispered to me.

"I think so too." I whispered back, Chaeri's eyes caught us and passed us a wave.

"I can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow." Jungwon said just as I was leaving his house, it was more than enough to make my heart run around.

A/N: ahsjskswowowoowllwkwjsnsnjwkwkwkwmsmsmkslslslwlwlwlwlwllwwlkwejeiwiehrrhrjejjenene. I have nothing to say.

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