Lando Gets Traumatised- Alternative Chapter

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A/n: So this is the original version I wrote for the Lando Gets Traumatised chapter and I decided that I am going to post it so you guys can read it.


It was night time and all of the drivers were getting ready to go upstairs to bed. The only few drivers still left downstairs were Checo, Nando, Charles, Alex and Lewis.

Nando: Right, I'm going upstairs to bed
Charles: Same
Alex: Me too, I'm tired
Checo: You coming Lewis
Lewis: I'll follow along in a bit, let me go and check everything is locked up first
Nando: Okay, thanks for going to do that for us Lewis
Lewis: No problem

Little did the other drivers know that Lewis had an ulterior motive for staying downstairs after everyone had gone to bed. It had something to do with a message he sent earlier.

Private Chat between Lewis and ????

Lewis: Do u want to v come over to the villa one night
????: Thought you'd never ask
????: Tonight maybe
Lewis: Works for me
Lewis: I'll make sure that I'm alone downstairs
????: Okay
Lewis: Message me when you get here and I'll open the door for u


????: I'm outside
Lewis: Coming

Lewis went and opened the door of the villa. The man at the door bought him into a big hug and kiss.

Lewis: Come on, let's get up to my room before anybody spots us
????: Okay, they'll be really baffled if they see us together though
Lewis: Come on, let's go I think you deserve a reward
????: I like your way of thinking

Lewis and the other man made their way quickly up to Lewis's room. When the door shut behind them, Lewis wrapped his arms around the other male and drew him into a kiss.

Lewis: How I've missed you
????: If the media could see this, they'd have a field day
Lewis: If they knew anything about us, they'd have a field day
????: Imagine,  two arch rivals fucking behind closed doors
Lewis: Imagine two arch rivals being married
????: I'm surprised more people haven't found out about us Lewis
Lewis: So am I Nico, but we're not exactly Lando and Carlos are we
Nico: Indeed we are not, those two and Max and Charles are so obvious
Lewis: Pierre and Esteban are also dating
Nico: Now, that one I didn't see coming
Lewis: They remind me a bit about us, except our so called rivalry never existed

Nico wrapped his arms around his husband and pulled him onto his lap, whispering in his ear

Nico: All those days spent reading those comments about how we hated eachother were fucking hilarious
Lewis: Even Toto believed them
Nico: Ah, how nieve they all are
Lewis: Now I think it's time for that reward, don't you love
Nico: Never had a better idea mein schatz

About half an hour later, both of them had collapsed down onto the bed, panting heavily

Lewis: I'm getting too old for this
Nico: That makes two of us

Soon they were both fast asleep. The only thing they forgot to do was set an alarm.


In the morning all of the drivers were downstairs getting ready to eat breakfast, which was being made by Kevin, except for Lewis.

Seb: Lando, can you go and wake Lewis up please, I don't want him to miss out on pancakes
Lando: Sure thing, Seb

Lando made his way upstairs wondering why Lewis wasn't up yet as he was usually one of the first up along with Seb. Lando knocked on Lewis's door and opened it. To his horror he saw Lewis in bed with Nico Rosberg, both of them still fully naked. Nico started to stir and as soon as he saw Lando, he pulled the covers hastily over himself and Lewis

Lando: Seb said to get up

Lando quickly left and, hurriedly closing the door behind him

Nico: Lando wait, we're sorry
Lewis: Huh, what's going on
Nico: Lewis we forgot to set an alarm  and Lando just saw us
Lewis: Oh shit

Back downstairs, Lando went into the kitchen and sat down on a stool with his face white, and eyes wide.

Seb: Everything okay Lando
Lando: Perfectly fine

Max was sat down opposite Lando and noticed that he had come downstairs from Lewis's room looking shaken up. He quickly put two and two together and excused himself from the table.
Max then headed upstairs and in the direction of Lewis's room. When he got there he knocked on the door.

Max: Lewis, Nico I know your both in there

The door opened to reveal a very shocked Brit and German.

Lewis: How did you know
Nico: Did Lando tell you
Max: No, I just put two and two together when Lando came down from your room traumatised
Lewis: Oops
Nico: Yeah, we're sorry about that
Lewis: Max, can you go and get Lando so we can explain to him
Max: Yeah, on it

Max went downstairs and told Lando that he wants to speak to him upstairs. Lando got up and followed Max upstairs.

Max: Lewis and Nico would like to explain everything to you
Lando: Okay
Max: I found out about them the same way you did, sort of
Lando: What do you mean
Max: Well I actually walked in on them in the middle of having sex back in 2016
Lando: Holy shit
Max: Yep, so did Val in 2017 and George this year
Lando: Does Mick know
Max: Yep, but Lewis and Nico told him so he didn't find out by walking in on them. Oh and Jenson Button knows as well
Lewis: Hey Lando
Nico: Let us explain
Lewis: Hold on
Max: What
Lewis: Let me explain, while you sneak Nico back out of the villa Max
Max: Okay, on it
Lewis: See you later Nico
Nico: Ich liebe dich
Lewis: Love you too

So Lewis told Lando everything about him and Nico including about them being married

Lewis: Please don't tell anybody anything just yet
Lando: I won't
Lewis: You're the only person to know about us being married
Lando: I won't let you down

They met Max and went into the kitchen where everybody was tucking into their pancakes so nobody questioned anything that had just happened

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