❸❷Do Not Go Gentle

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☪︎ ☪︎ ☪︎ ☪︎

Early in the morning, I sit in the same spot Damon was hung over, bleeding out, two days ago on the now clean wood floor. I sit in the middle of a circle formed with salt as Klaus sits next to me. Klaus had gotten all the white oak stakes from the Salvatore brothers except one that evil Alaric had hidden, which Rebakah was trying to retrieve now. I've been sitting in the house flipping through my grimoires and mothers until I found another linking spell.

"Love, are you sure this is a good idea?" Klaus asks, and I smirk at his worried tone as I read over the spell again.

"Don't be a wuss Niklaus. I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not a wuss." He mutters. "I'm just trying to make sure you have enough energy."

"I haven't used magic in two days. Longest two days of my life if you ask me, but I definitely have enough energy plus, I'm only linking you, not multiple people."

"To this thing?" He holds up a Ken barbie doll that Caroline gave me when we were little.

"Well, I offered to link myself-"

"-and I said no."

"Then deal with the Ken doll," I state as a bowl sits in front of us with a knife. I grab the doll placing it in the bowl. I hold my hand out, Klaus places his open palm on it, and I use the knife to slice it open. His blood flows out over the bowl until it's completely covering the doll, and the cut closes. I place the knife down before lighting the candles surrounding us with magic. I take a deep breath as I begin to chant. Nothing happens the first couple of minutes, then suddenly, the blood in the bowl starts to evaporate until it's completely empty with no trace of blood. I stop chanting and pick the doll up.

"That's it?" Klaus asks, leaning over to look at the doll.

"Yes, that's it. See, this doll already had a spell placed on it. Caroline kept breaking her dolls, so I tried to help her by putting a protection spell on them, but she was breaking them to get the new ones released. The link will only last temporarily since you are living, not plastic, but enough time until everything blows over."

"Very clever love." He smiles, and I smile back brightly. The sound of the front door opening and slamming closed causes us to jump to our feet as I extinguish the candles. We walk to the foyer to see Rebekah strolling in with the white oak in her hand.

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