Chapter 23

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Flinching and gulping simultaneously over the visibly livid stance of the tall aura, Sheela instantly regretted her uttered nonsensical word but she anyway stood affixed on her footing until she found Manik bringing his mobile out and dialing someone without breaking eye contact with her.

Sheetal along with every spectator present over were mystified seeing Manik not losing his composure howbeit they were soon proven wrong when Manik spoke "Hello, police station. Manik Malhotra speaking. I would like to register a complaint against my neighbour for trespassing and barging into my property unannounced and assaulting my wife verbally."

Confounded and bewildered, Sheela along with other people from their neighbour were startled as chaos grew among them.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Sheela screeched seemingly tensed before looking out for Sheetal who herself seemed astonished "Sheetal, say something. Your son is reporting us to the police?"

Though Sheetal was surprised, she soon composed herself and paid no heed to the fretting woman and the other neighbours whereas Neelam seemed to be in confinement as she tried intervening but knowing her son-in-law she later chose to be quiet.

As for Sadhna and Meera, they were quite satisfied over Manik's reaction while Nandini seemed to be at perplex as soon Sheela called out for her "Beta, Nandini! Make your husband understand. He can't report us to the police for something this trivial. We are neighbour and like a family. And such small things keep happening in the family."

"You don't blame and bad mouth someone in your family, Sheela." Sheetal piped in sternly, her gaze cold as she spoke for Nandini "And you and me both know how much of a family we are to each other. So before cops arrive and drag you all behind the bars, get out."

"Sheetal, look-"

"-Now!" Her uproar made a chill run down Sheela's spine as she discreetly heeds around the audience before marching her way out making the others follow her trail gradually.

A moment of silence later, Sheetal heaved a sigh before paying attention to her son whose back seemed stiff while hands clutching his phone in a death grip.

Contemplating a bit, she looked out at Nandini who still seemed shaken "Meera, take your bhabhi upstairs."

Obeying her mother, Meera accompanied Nandini upstairs with Neelam's gaze following her daughter with concern before she gestured to Sadhna too to go behind.

Walking behind her son to Calm him down, Sheetal caressed his back affectionately "Calm down, beta. They are gone."

"Doesn't matters. Cops will be here anyway."

His solemn reply made Sheetal amazed whereas Neelam couldn't hold the gasp back in her mouth "Manik Ji, did you really call the police? And I thought you-"

"-I don't kid, Amma. At least not when my family is in concern." His reply worried Neelam as she looked at Sheetal for her assistance however Sheetal felt at a loss for words "Manik, let's not stretch it beta. They are gone. And you have scared them for good. They won't think again to bother any of us again.

Jaw tough and clenched with no mercy, Manik strode upstairs leaving both the ladies in distress.

Faltering just at the threshold of their room, Manik watched his wife who was being consoled and cheered up by his sister and Sadhna who forthwith stopped whatever they were doing on seeing his presence.

While for Nandini, she didn't have to look as her skin prickling was enough for her to know his arrival, craning her head she shrewdly wiped her tears before facing him.

MaNan ff: Tera Ban Gya ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن