Chapter 12

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"What are you talking about? What's going on?" Tony questions.

"Tell me you're lying," Derek doesn't want what Lydia said to be true.

"Why would I lie?" Lydia looks up at Derek, tears slowly streaming down her face.

The Avengers in the room didn't understand what was going on. One second the red-haired girl was intensely listening to the fireplace, and now Y/N's friends say she's some key to a list. Her being the key seems to be something horrible due to their reactions.

"I, uh, I'm..." Stiles stands up from his spot on the ground, "I need some air." He rushes out of the lake house through the front door. Lydia gets up from her spot in front of the laptop and runs after him.

Steve looks at Scott and Derek, "Can one of you please tell us what's happening? We need to know everything so we can find Peter and Y/N."

Derek and Scott share a look as Derek walks over to the laptop. He bends down to look at the list to see if they had gotten in.

Seeing the list staring back at him, Derek turns to Scott with an angry look in his eyes, "Tell them. Everything."

Scott looks around at the Avengers in front of him, "Um, okay. What just happened is we unlocked the third Deadpool list."

"Deadpool list?" Bruce questions.

"Yes, it's a list of people with numbers by them." Scott tries to explain to the confused Avengers, "Each number represents an amount. An amount the person is worth."

"Are you killing people?!" Steve angrily exclaims.

"It's more like people are trying to kill us," Lydia states, walking back into the room with Stiles following behind her. His eyes are visibly bloodshot from crying.

"Why would people try to kill you? What does this have to do with Y/N?" Tony asks, tired of wasting time and skirting around what's going on.

"You handed me this file," Stiles holds up the file in his hand, "You know what she is. You know she's a werewolf."

"How do you know that?" Bucky questions.

"I'm her brother," Stiles scoffs.

"What does her being a werewolf have to do with her being the key to this Deadpool?" Tony just wants answers, and he wants to find his kids.

"The Deadpool is three different lists of every supernatural person who lives in Beacon Hills." Stiles explains, "One-hundred and seventeen million dollars was stolen from Peter Hale's vault. The numbers next to each name add up to that amount. It's also how much each person is worth dead."

"Peter Hale is Derek's uncle," Lydia informs the Avengers, pointing over to Derek.

"How do you know this?" Steve asks.

Scott flashes them his alpha red eyes, "Because we're on it too."

"What are you?" Bruce asks, fascinated by Scott's red eyes.

"I'm a werewolf, like Y/N. So is Derek." Derek flashes his red eyes for everyone to see.

"Is that why your eyes turn red?" Natasha questions.

"Yes, but it's also because I'm an alpha." Scott explains, "Alphas have red eyes and betas and omegas have yellow eyes. Unless the beta or omega has killed an innocent, then they have blue eyes."

"Fascinating," Bruce whispers in shock.

"In the pictures, Y/N has yellow eyes. She's a beta?" Tony looks to Scott for answers.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now