The only human

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I was so caught up in the moment i completely forgot, The dread was writing over me.

"Don't worry to much" the chief told me.

I'll be doing the talking"

That's a relief I thought to myself. Don't think I would of survived by myself.

We walk back to where His was waiting for us, as soon as she saw us, she raced over and gave me a hug.

It felt a little embarrassing but the chief just ended up giggling.

We moved forward and walked towards the outside. The nerovs were building inside me,  i started to feel sick.

His grabbed my hand, it's almost like she knows a hand in not feeling good, I wonder if it's something lamias can sence.

As we drew closer I can start to hear talking, I hold His's hand tighter, almost slightly hiding behind her.

The chief guard's pull away the curtains, as the strong sun hits us.

It's time.

Words can't describe how I'm feeling at this moment. Walking out onto some sort of stage, 100s of lamia eyes watching us.

The guards announce the chief and all Lamia besides me and His bowed. I wanted to follow but His shock her head with a smile and stopped me from doing it.

The chief raises her hand and all Lamia stop bowing.

"Welcome my lamia sisters, many of one know the reason I have brought us here. For the first time in your lifes, a human is on our island. Some of you may not knew how to react, you may even fear for your safety, however do not. This human does not bring harm to us. I'm asking each and ever one of you to treat her with the kindness and love we do each other, and I hope she does the same."

The chief then looks at me, holding her hand out. At first I'm hesitant, seeing all these lamia looking at me I feel frozen in place. But I feel His slowly push me towards the chief, quietly telling me I'll be okay.

I walk forward, grabbing into the chief hand.

"Our human Sara" she says to the crowd.

If looks can kill I'll be dead, well at least that's how I feel. I'm looking down at the ground, I can hear wipshers from the crowd, before it fell silent.

Taking a quick peek up I was stunned to what I was seeing. Every single Lamia was bowing to me. Shocked and not sure what I should do I just ended up doing it to.

I could hear a few giggles from some of them, before we bother lifted our heads up. The chief then continues to speak.

"I ask you give our guest time, it must be lot to take in seeing all of you, let alone meeting you. Please respect this."

And that was it, then cheif then turned around wishing me the best if luck, and letting me know if I needed anything just find her. His then grabs my arm back.

"See not to bad right, you were great and very cute"

I blushed, bur before I could responed I was pulled back and landed faced first into a lamias chest.

"Your even more cuter up close" a lamia said pulling out from her breasts.

There were two others beside her.

"Your right she is"

"Hey let me have a feel too"

All three lamia were now touching my face stomach and arms, I started to get scared, after just closing my eyes i feel myself being pulled back.

Luckily this time it's His, but she looks pissed. She pulls me closer to her body mine facing hers, her hands holding my head close to her chest.

"What did the chief just say" His told the 3 lamia.

"Oh come on His we only wanted to see her, it's not like we were gonna do anything... not yetvat least." She said the last part quietly but His still heared it.

I could feel the rage building up inside her as she holds me tighter, if my face gets pushed any more into her boobs I'm dead I thought.

"Aren't you girls having to much fun"

A voice spoke behind the 3 lamia, I pushed my face off His to take a look.

It was Celeste lucky for me she was covered up.

"O-oh M-mistress  I swear we weren't doing anything, w-we justcwanted to see her that's all." The middle lamia said.

Celeste smiled but not in a happy way more evil.

"Oh that's good you should get to know her, I plan on making her a regular. But we all have limits, and I think this time you've gone to far."

What the hell I thought, what did she mean by regular!

Looking at the 3 lamia there faces are bright red, Celeste then bends down closed to thembefore quickly speaking.

I couldn't hear what she told them but judging by the shock in the eyes and going even more red... I don't want to know.

Celeste then orders them to apologise and walk away from me, which they do.

"Sorry sweeite they can be a handful sometimes, and with a new toy there like puppys. She tells me before winking and walking away.

"What the hell just happened" I said.

I turn to look at His but she still seems pissed off.

"Hey you ok?" I ask her

It seems to snap her back, she puts on a smile and tells me yes, but something fills off.

Walking back home together His is holding me much tighter then she normally does. But I'm too tired, today a lot has happened and I just want to sleep.

Finally we are home! I didn't feel like eating I just crashed onto my bed. Closing my eyes, finally some rest.

But thst bubble burst when I hear His enter my room. Looking at her she looks sad, I wonder if it was them girls that are making her act like this.

"His is there something wrong?" I asked her.

She's sat on the chair next to my bed looking down, her mind looks like it's somewhere else.

"His" I said waving in front of her face, it seems to work.

"S-sorry lost in thought" she told me.

"Hmm What's up, your not looking like yourself."

But I wasn't ready for what she was about to tell me.

"O-oh I'm well I um...wanted to ask you something...C-can um... can I coiling you?"

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Alice C33

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