Chapter 11

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Both His and Sara are sitting at the table, after finishing there breakfast His prepared to explain the island to Sara using... fruit.

"Ok this apple represents the village, although the apple is small our village is giant. Here you are safe and free to move about as you please, rivers to bathhouse to all the buildings it's all safe. Next we have to forest representing as these strawberrys, we are still around here hunting for food, exploring the area, and crossing over the the beach land. However it would be much safer for you to never go there by yourself, always have a lamia with you. And last but not least the jungle forest represented by these berrys, you and lamia that live in the village are forbidden from entering. Last time lamia from the village went inside they never came back. Only the lamia warriors can go, even so many dobt come back."

Sara was amazed by these so called warrior's, His explained more telling Sara they live just on the outskirts of the jungle with other tribal lamia. She then continued to explain that maybe ones in a lifetime you may see a warrior return to the village but it doesn't happen often.

"They're there to protect us from the deep jungle, there's been many story's of lamia 3x our size, spiders the size of boulders and many other beasts the live there."

Sara felt a chill and the mention of spider's it's one of her biggest fears.

"Best to stay away then" Sara repiled. His nodded in agreement before eating the fruit.

Today Sara had to see Venus, she had been here for a while now and as a doctor she wanted to make sure she was doing well.

The walk wasn't far, Sara was feeling more comfortable walking around by herself now, noticing lamia just getting in with there day it made her think maybeshe should do some work too.

"Its been a while Sara" Venus said greeting her.

"It has" Sara repiled back.

They enter the back of the room as Venus begin a check up.

"Everything looking good, no signs of any problems. Have you been feeling unwell at all ?"

Sara shock her head no. "Perfectly fine"

"Well all seems well, I still recommend eating what you know is okay for humans, I'm still trying to look up what you can't eat. But as long as your as well as us are careful you should be fine."

Sara had learnt that unlike what she read lamia only eat meat that's been cooked not raw, and that the island is full of berrys, friut and mushrooms, all fine for a lamia but no idea for a human.

"I promise" Sara said smiling.

Venus smiles back a little surprised to long ago this human was fearful of her life, but now seems comfortable.

She was soon snapped out of thought by Sara speaking.

"Um I do have one question tho" Sara asked her.

"Go on" Venus repiled.

"Well I was wondering if I could do some work... I um feel kind of bad just being lazy all day."

"Hmm" Venus said again surprised by Sara.

"Work for a human... I'm not sure but I will ask the chief later for you, you haven't asked His?"

"No" Sara repiled, "She would find something that has me doing nothing, I just know it.

Venus could see His doing that.
"Well I'll ask and get back to you"

Sara face light up, hopefully she can be of some help. As she was about to leave Venus stopped her.

"Oh by the way, do you know how we do payment on this island?"

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