Chapter 14

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"Nightmares you say" Venus asked as she brought both His and Sara into the room.

"Yes, but this seems different" His stated.

Sara could barely keep her eyes open let alone walk.

Venus began taking a closer look at Sara. She first opened Sara's eyes, they were watery and bloodshot.

Her pupils were dilated even without the tools light on.

"Hmm" Venus said to herself.

She slithered over to her shelf of books pulling out one.

"Sara how are you feeling?" Venues asked.

"Tierd" was her only replie.

"Any headaches, pains?" Venus asked but Sara said no.

His then explained everything Sara told her or at least as much as she gave away.

Venues was then in thought, going through the pages of the book.

"What book is that?" His asked her.

"Humans, we only have a few on the island sadly. I'd started researching all I could find and written all the most important information here."

His smiled impressed with how much dedication Venus had to help and learn about humans.

"Unfortunately, I don't have anything on venom for humans. So will have to give her some of these." Venus then opened up a draw and pulled something out.

"Mint leafs ?" His said looking at what's in Venus hand.

"Not quite these are sleeping herbs, crush them into water, leave for a few minutes, drain It, then get Sara to drink it. If tgis puts a lamia to sleep it a human is child's play.

His smiled taking the herbs from Venus, happily thinking this can finally be over.

She picked up Sara in her arms and turned to leave but before she could Venus spoke.

"His one more thing, it's making her weak, after getting her to drink it relax her."

His nodded and with that they left for bsck home.

As soon as they were back His began crushing the herbs, Sara was placed on her bed.

A few minutes then passed and she drained it. It smelled surprising good, quickly and quietly she entered the room.

"Sara are you still awake?" She asked.

She received a little whimper from Sara.

His helped Sara sit up and remove the hair covering her face.

"Drink this" His then handed over the cup to Sara.

Sara grabbed the cup and cranking it straight away. Wiping her mouth she handed back the cup which Hisput on the side table.

Still holding Sara up His began to coil around Sara. She needed to relax so thought this would be the best idea.

Sara didn't seem to mind or was already feeling the herbs kick in.

All coiled up and cuddling His began feeling sleepy too, Sara heart rate was calm the herbs had tooken it's effect, His close her eyes falling alseep too.

-Time Passes-

Sara began to open her eyes, looking down she sees a Lamia tail around her but very loose, next to her in bed was a sound asleep His.

Sara got out of bed looking outside it was dark outside.

"Must be late" she said to herself.

Sara remembered drinking the herb, they worked much more then she thought she thought to herself. But the after taste was not good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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