18| Mark of Surprise

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As much as the newness of his pack intrigued me, I couldn't help myself as my gaze devoured the sight of him still completely drenched from the waterfall. The droplets of water clung to him as I did, refusing to let go of his warmth. I wanted to lick away every single bead that took claim to his skin, instead I resorted to playing with the soaked strands of his hair as he kept me firmly in his arms. I feathered my fingers through it, memorising its softness and watching as he swallowed against the tenderness of my touch.

We moved through the meadow, following a path that led to the heart of his pack. It was still a distance away from us, but even as my scent sweetened the air around us, Adriel slowed down the urgency of his stride just so he could savour the feel of my hands on him, the pads of his fingers digging into my flesh as I pressed my own against the base of his skull.

He let out a low appreciative grunt as I kneaded my fingers against his skin, my gaze dragging over his half-lidded eyes and parted lips, and for a moment I was devastated by the imagining of my fingers pumping into his mouth, stringing with more than just the moisture that was left between us.

A heavy growl unearthed from the back of my throat as my hands glided over his skin, the wolfish sound the response of my wolf's need to come out and play with him.

His muscles tensed against the meaning behind it, his own beast bristling with the need to satiate me even as he did everything to fight against it.

For a moment I wondered if I'd gone too far when he'd stopped moving completely, his heels digging into the ground just before we crossed the threshold of the meadow and headed towards the civilisation of his pack.

"Carry on making those sounds and we'll barely make it to my front door, let alone to the comforts of my bed." His warning words came out with an animalistic edge, and my wolf preened under them.

She wanted him to lose control, for him to manhandle her until she was bent out of shape. She wondered what it would take to get him to finally snap, but everything she did only proved to her his unyielding strength to keep his wolf at bay.

"We are on your pack lands now, does it matter where you have me?" I asked him, without a care in the world for the catastrophic consequences.

"Aurelia—" He began to growl again, but I cut off his onslaught of dominance before I had no choice but to submit to it.

"You could have me right here in the dirt, could you not?" I asked softly—tauntingly. "You'd have your entire pack waking up to the sounds of my pleasure, looking through their windows so that they can catch a glimpse of their new Luna as you fucked me into the mud? I'm sure they'll be glad that their Alpha has finally brought his mate home, and that the legacy of their pack will lead on for another generation." His breathing had gotten heavier, his muscles bunching up like he was holding himself back from shifting into his wolf.

When his sharpened gaze landed on mine, my heart lulled to an apprehensive beat.

Maybe I had gone too far this time, or maybe I couldn't stand the fact that all he seemed to do was make me wait to have what was rightfully mine.

I had already spent too much time waiting for him in the sanctuary, and my patience had run out the moment I had found out that his mark had matched mine.

"If another filthy word comes out of your mouth, I'm going to fucking gag it."

This time it wasn't my fault. I couldn't help myself, he had given me the perfect opening.

"Like you did the other night, with your—" He pressed a palm to my mouth, muffling my words before I could dig myself into a bigger hole.

"You taunt my wolf too much," He bared his fangs at me, his nostrils flaring as he finally set his gaze ahead of us once again.

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