Chapter 02

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Henry arrived back at Potter manor with Padfoot and Remus, as soon as they were inside Padfoot transformed back to Sirius and the three all sat down in the living room.

"So, I'm just going to state the obvious and say you're crazy" Sirius said

"You're mad" Remus added "you stabbed yourself, why on earth did you do that?!"

"Simple" Henry shrugged "now Vernon is accused of a major crime, that hurts him because his reputation is destroyed and now he will be sent to a prison. Do you know what happens to child abusers in prison? Plus, now he can't provide for his family.

And I know that horse faced bint wouldn't ever go out and get a job on her own. That means no money and that means they can't afford to look after kids, that means that Harry can't stay there. Wouldn't it be brilliant if I just happened to swoop in and become his guardian?"

"Fine, but don't we have to bring Harry back to the Dursley's now?"

"No" Henry shook his head "I don't want Harry going anywhere near those animals again"

"But the police are going to be suspicious if Harry is not there" Remus pointed out

"Well, thankfully Harry is going to be there" Henry replied

"But you just said you didn't want him anywhere near them" Remus reminded him

"I'm going to pretend to be Harry" Henry responded "I don't want Harry to accidently blurt something out about me or my wife and the magical world, I know enough about what happened and I will impersonate him and then I will become his guardian."

"How do you plan that?" Sirius asked "You can't be in two places at once, that's impossible"

"I'm a Potter" Henry smiled "we don't get slowed down by something as pathetic as 'impossible'. As for my method, watch this"

Henry closed his eyes, Remus and Sirius watched in fascination and awe as a duplicate of Henry appeared next to him. Both Henry's opened their eyes and winked at the two, the duplicate Henry shrunk down and eventually transformed into Harry.

"How the hell did you do that?!" Sirius exclaimed

"Well, I'm a metamorphmagus" Henry explained "I made a copy of myself and had him transform into Harry. In fact I had already made one of myself and he is currently impersonating you"

"What?! You have a copy of yourself pretending to be me in Azkaban?! That's crazy! You're really exposing him or yourself if we want to be accurate to the dementors?!"

"My duplicate will be fine" Henry reassured them "the dementors don't harm me"

"What do you mean they don't harm you?" Remus asked

"They know better than to try and hurt me" Henry replied "my duplicate is pretending to be Sirius so nobody realises he has escaped. Now, my other duplicate will pretend to be Harry"

"Yeah" Duplicate Harry nodded "I'm Henry, but now I can pretend to be Harry. In fact, I had better go back to the cupboard" Duplicate Harry apparated away.

"Wait, cupboard?" Remus asked

"The Dursley's made Harry stay in a cupboard" Henry explained

"I'm really trying hard not to kill them and you're not helping" Sirius growled "by the way, I have a question for you, do you think that Dumbledore knows about Wormtail?"

"If you mean where he currently is then no" Henry answered "if you mean that he was a traitor then yes. Dumbledore is a master at legilimency and I'm surprised that none of you have ever wondered how he always knew everything."

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