Chapter 14

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"You can't bring a dog to Hogwarts!" Was the immediate words of one Hermione Granger as she opened the train compartment to find Harry Potter and his friends.

Neville and Susan were on one side of the compartment, holding a book in-between them. On the other side, Daphne Greengrass sat with an adorable kitten in her lap that she petted affectionately. While Harry sat next to her, by the window, with a puppy on top of his head. Sitting happily with his tongue out and his tail moving up and down. On his right shoulder rested Milky the snake, whom had eventually decided that the dog was an acceptable companion for his master.

The group were sat in the compartment on the way back to Hogwarts after Christmas break when Hermione Granger

"I haven't brought a dog to Hogwarts" Harry replied

"What's that then?" Hermione pointed at the dog

"Oh, that's my dog" Harry smiled "I named him Jet"

"Which goes back to my earlier point of him not being allowed at Hogwarts"

"No, your earlier point was 'I can't bring him to Hogwarts'. I haven't, I brought him with me on to the train, the train is bringing me and him to Hogwarts"

"Oh, you know what I mean!" Hermione growled

"Oh damn it Granger" Daphne sighed

"Language" Hermione scolded

"Look Granger" Daphne said "Harry's aunt is a teacher, his uncle is the head auror and basically in charge of wizarding Britain's law enforcement. If you were smart enough then you would think that they would teach Harry to follow the rules or to at least not break them. Now, if Harry is bringing this dog to school then perhaps you should wonder how he got permission to do so instead of making assumptions and accusing him"

"Hermione" Neville spoke before Hermione could reply "Harry is allowed to bring him, his aunt and uncle even had to fill in a few forms."

"Oh, it's getting a bit cold in here" Susan said before closing the door, leaving Hermione outside. The girl stared in outrage for a few seconds before storming off

"Sweet Merlin, that girl is a walking headache" Daphne shook her head before continuing to pay attention to her cat "isn't she Prince?" Prince the cat responded by nodding his head

"He is so adorable!" The Hufflepuff house collectively agreed as they saw the dog that Harry brought into the common room, Harry had turned his hair green and as Jet was sat on his head it gave everyone the impression of what the dog would look like sitting in grass.

"Oh, I wish I could have him" Hannah Abbot said as she stroked him behind the ears...the dog...not Harry...though he wouldn't mind either.

"Yeah, my uncle got him for me" Harry replied as he sat down "I named him Jet"

"Cool name" Cedric Diggory sat next to him and began petting the dog on the head "oh, maybe we could make him the house mascot or something"

"I thought that was Harry" Susan Bones commented

"Ha ha" Harry let out a fake laugh while others let out more genuine ones "nice to know that you've got a future career in comedy waiting for you. Besides, I'm not the mascot, I'm just the best"

"Oh, really?" Tonks snorted as she sat down on Harry's other side

"Yes, I'm the best looking one here" Harry replied

"Kid, you can change your face, you'll always be the best looking one here." Another Hufflepuff pointed out

"Not my fault" Harry shrugged "also I'm the smartest"

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