Chapter 05

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"I am Henry Potter" Henry introduced himself to the court "and I formally request guardianship of my nephew, Harry James Potter, be transferred to me"

"Mr Potter" The Judge spoke "young Harry Potter is not only a boy of noble descent, but he is also the saviour of the wizarding world and the boy-who-lived"

"Your honour, I don't care what titles the public has given him" Henry responded "he is my nephew, I don't care if he is the boy-who-lived or a squib born from two other squibs, I intend to look after him to the best of my abilities."

"Mr Potter, what I was about to say was what makes you think you are capable of looking after the boy? For example, are you financially capable?"

"Money is not a problem with the Potter fortunes" Henry replied "it can safely give me, my wife and young Harry a life of luxury and comfort that will last till the day we drop dead. My wife is also willing to act as a mother to the boy, I believe the two have grown quite fond of each other. Also, I am his closest remaining magical relative and have been given the blessing of his godfather who is currently incapable of looking after Harry.

If that's not enough, I even put in the time to become his muggle guardian and I am more than capable of physically protecting him from dangers and am willing to get a job to if needed. He is family and not even Voldemort himself will be able to stop me from protecting him" A few people flinched at the name.

"Also" Henry continued "I was the one who rescued him from those muggles that Dumbledore put him with."

"Objection" Dumbledore stood up "Harry was placed there for his safety"

"Safety?" Henry repeated "He was placed there by a man who didn't have the authority to do so and I hardly think that a five year old who considered suicide as a good option can be considered safe"

"Suicide?!" The judge exclaimed in shock as many people began whispering

"Yes your honour" Henry nodded "the night that I first met Harry I had to stop him from drinking bleach, that's a liquid usually used to clean but can be very hazardous to drink and can result in death. Harry was starved and beaten and under the impression that drinking that would reunite him with his parents and allow him to leave his muggle family"

"Dumbledore, did you know about this?" The judge demanded

"I've informed Dumbledore about it before but he appears to not care" Henry said before Dumbledore could say anything "but that's a different matter. We're talking about Harry, the boy and his godfather have given their statements, haven't they?"

"Yes" One member of the court rose up and read from a parchment "Harry Potter has said, and I quote, 'I want to stay with my Aunt Gwen and Uncle Henry, please. They're nice to me, they don't hit or make me do work. Uncle Henry made bath time fun, he and Aunt Gwen stopped my bad dreams. Please don't take me away from them, I promise to be a good boy if you let me stay' unquote.

The next quote is from Sirius Black, quote 'I, Sirius Black, fully support Henry Potter in his desire to look after and care for my godson, Harry Potter. Henry Potter has shown me in little time that he and his wife care for Harry, and when I see the three together I see what it would like if James and Lily had survived that cursed night. I don't care for many things but I care for Harry and this man and his wife have saved my godson and are giving him the life he deserves, I beg whoever is listening to not interfere and let my godson be happy', unquote"

"Thank you" The judge said before turning his attention to Henry "Mr Potter, you are aware that you are not the only choice that is being considered to be Mr Potter's guardian?"

"I'd be surprised if I was" Henry answered honestly

"Lord Malfoy, Lord Nott, Lady Longbottom, Amelia Bones, Cyrus Greengrass, and Albus Dumbledore have all asked to be Mr Potters guardians, what do you say to this?"

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