Chapter 16

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"Thanks Dobby" Harry said as the excitable elf handed him his school trunk, Harry wasn't quite sure why Uncle Henry had gotten the elf. All he knew was he used to be the Malfoy elf and also was a very excited elf.

"Oh! The great Harry Potter sir thanks Dobby!" The elf looked at Harry with unfiltered awe "Dobby is not worthy to be in presence of such a kind master! Dobby will be good elf master Harry! Dobby promises! Dobby can..." Dobby was cut off by a dope slap to the back of his head

"That be enough" Stink the house elf said "Dobby will control himself before Dobby makes mess on floor"

"It's fine Stink" Harry said "thank you Dobby, when Aunt Gwen and Uncle Henry come down then tell them I'm waiting outside with Padfoot and Moony" Harry said before he took his trunk outside

"Dobby" A voice called and both elves turned to see Henry and Gwen Potter standing in front of them "I want you to spend some time with Stink and learn from him, he's a good elf and he'll be able to teach you a lot"

"Thank you master" Stink smiled proudly, his chest puffing out

"Yes master Henry Potter" Dobby nodded quickly "Master, can Dobby ask question?"

"Go on" Henry nodded

"Master is sure that bad book won't hurt Harry Potter?" Dobby asked nervously, preparing to punish himself if told to

"It won't, I took it from your former master and will make sure it won't hurt anyone" Henry replied

"Plus Lucius knows we know about it" Gwen grinned

"Yes, bad master was furious" Dobby nodded "then Dobby saw Henry Potter's elf drop sock on bad master's head then master throw it and Dobby catch it and then Dobby is free elf and then Dobby works for brilliant Potter family and now Dobby..." Dobby found himself interrupted by another slap

"Breathe" Stink sighed and rolled his eyes at the chatty house elf

"Hey guys" Harry said as he entered the train compartment, Susan and Neville waved at him, and so did Daphne. Harry sat next to Daphne, not noticing how his hair and eyes changed and matched hers. He had spent the last few days thinking about what his uncle and aunt had told him about girls and he had come to the conclusion that he liked Daphne. His uncle said that he fell in love with Aunt Gwen because she made him happy, he liked spending time with her, he wanted to protect her and couldn't imagine a life without her.

Susan was more of a sister figure for Harry, so he knew he didn't like her in that way. Daphne made him happy, she was funny and smart, they shared the same humour and she knew how to make him laugh. He also liked spending time with her, she was fun and his best friend, or at least best female friend. As for protecting her, Harry had to admit that he was pretty angry when Ronald Weasley insulted Daphne and he knew that he would gladly help her if she was ever in trouble. Also, Harry really couldn't imagine a life without her. Daphne was the one that brought him out of his shell, he and her practised magic together, did homework together, they did everything together.

"Harry" Daphne's voice brought him out of his thoughts "are you okay? You blanked out for a second"

"Hmm, uh...yeah, was just thinking of something" Harry replied

"What was it?" Daphne asked

"I'll tell you later" Harry promised "so how was your holidays?"

"Yes, I can't help but agree" McGonagall said to Gwen Potter as she and the history teacher conversed before the students arrived, Gwen Potter had a great relationship with most teachers as they found her to be professional when necessary and light-hearted and fun the rest of the time. Snape was the only exception but that was just because he didn't really know her much as he kept away from her thanks to a great deal of fear (not that he would admit it).

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