Chapter 04

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The news of Peter Pettigrew being found alive had spread all throughout the country, many had realised that Sirius Black might not have killed those muggles either. The ministry had no choice but to put Sirius and Peter on trial, even though Fudge didn't really want to.

Henry had to quickly sneak Sirius back in to Azkaban, when asked how he simply grabbed the man and apparated back into Sirius's cell. He had gotten rid of the duplicate, when he turned to Sirius who was looking at him a dropped jaw.

"You…you can't apparate into Azkaban" Sirius said slowly

"Huh? Wish somebody had told me that" Henry smirked "now, I'll be off. Remus will be there for your trial, goodbye" Henry popped out of Azkaban, leaving behind a gaping Sirius.

"Do all Potters just not care for the rules?!" Sirius threw his arms up in exasperation.

He sat down and leaned against a wall, doing his best to look tired and miserable. Eventually two guards came up to the cell, they banged on the bars and Sirius spun his head around and looked at them.

"Hello gentlemen" Sirius said in a raspy voice "lovely weather today, don't you think so?"

"You're coming with us Black" One of the guards opened the cell

"Now I'm flattered but I'm only interested in women" Sirius joked

"Shut it, come on" The two guards dragged Sirius out of the cell, not seeing his smirk that he hid.

A little while later, Sirius had been freed by the court while Pettigrew had been sent to Azkaban for life. Sirius was also given two thousand galleons for every year he spent in Azkaban. Sirius met with Remus just outside of the court room once the trial had finished.

"I'm free Moony!" Sirius hugged his friend

"I'm glad Padfoot" Remus hugged him back, the two then let go when they felt someone tugging at their legs. They both looked down to see a house elf looking at them.

"Hello" Sirius blinked

"Can we help you?" Remus politely asked

"I is Stink" The house elf introduced himself "Master Henry says he be coming in ten minutes to take you to master Harry"

"Ah, thank you" Remus said

"Yous is welcome" Stink popped away

"I can't believe this" Sirius said excitedly "I'm going to see Harry! I've got to find a way to thank Henry"

"Henry" Remus sighed "I cannot figure that man out, don't get me wrong, I trust him. But I can't figure him out"

"Did you know that he can apparate into Azkaban?" Sirius asked

"What?! That's impossible!"

"I know but he did it like it was just a normal everyday thing for him"

"How?" Remus wondered

"Remus, I've realised something" Sirius said softly "I realised that I don't really care. I don't care what he can do or what secrets he has, not anymore. He's looking after Harry and that's all I need to know"

"When did you get so mature?" Remus raised an eyebrow

"Around my second year in hell" Sirius shrugged, the two talked for a couple of more minutes when they were interrupted.

"Sirius, Remus" A voice called, the two turned, thinking that Henry had come early.

Unfortunately for them it was not Henry, standing in front of them with an annoying twinkle in his eye and a grandfatherly smile was Dumbledore, wearing the brightest blue robes that the pair had ever seen. Sirius and Remus looked at each other, after an almost telepathic conversation they agreed to try and be civil.

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