Chapter 08

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Harry had sat in his compartment, his hair was orange and his eyes were yellow. Milky was wrapped around his left forearm and rested his head on the back of Harry's hand. Harry was currently reading his potions book, he loved potions and according to his Uncle Henry the potions teacher was really strict.

He also overheard his Aunt Gwen had went to have a 'talk' with the Professor to make sure that he treated him fairly, Harry wasn't sure what that meant and judging by the laughter that came from Uncle Henry, he probably didn't want to know what that meant.

"Hi Harry" Neville Longbottom came in, followed by Susan Bones. "How are you doing?"

"Great, how about you?"

"I'm fine" Neville sat down "Trevor tried to escape but your Uncle Henry caught him for me and gave me a cage to hold him"

"Your uncle is the best" Susan said "I noticed that you're gone orange now, yellow eyes as well"

"Guess so" Harry shrugged "how is Hannah doing?"

"Oh, I'm going to go and find her in a bit. I just came here to say hi to you guys"

"And we are honoured" Harry said with an exaggerated bow

"Don't be a prat" Susan smacked his arms "I'm going now, remember to behave, I don't want to end up hearing that you've blown up the whole train"

"We're not going to blow up the whole train" Harry responded "a compartment or two maybe but not the whole train. That's just overkill"

"You're incorrigible" Susan sighed and left.

"She loves me really" Harry said confidently

"Who does?" Daphne walked in

"Susan" Neville answered "She went off to see Hannah after she told Harry to behave"

"Like that'll work" Daphne snorted and sat down

"Nice to know that you know me so well" Harry smiled at her

"You're incorrigible Potter"

"That's what Susan said" Neville smirked. The three talked for a while as the train left the station

"Oi" Ron Weasley opened the door "have any of you seen Harry Potter?" Neville and Daphne looked at Harry

"Who's asking?" Harry asked

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley and I'm his best friend" Ron said proudly as he puffed his chest out.

"Really?" Harry drawled, Neville looked away to hide his smirk while Daphne just about managed it "You're Harry Potter's best friend?" Harry's Uncle Henry told him to watch out for people who just want him for his money and fame, from the looks of it he found one.

"Yeah" Ron nodded

"I don't really think that you're Harry Potter's best friend" Harry said

"Yes I am!" Ron turned red "you'll see" he stormed out

"What an idiot" Neville shook his head

"He's going to be so surprised at the sorting" Daphne grinned

"I know, it's a shame we don't have a camera." Harry laughed "so, you two looking forward to Hogwarts?"

"I am" Daphne nodded "mum and dad think I'll probably be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw"

"I'll probably be in Hufflepuff" Neville sighed

"What the hell is wrong with Hufflepuff?" Harry asked

"Nothing…it's just…well…"

"There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuff, it's the house named after Helga Hufflepuff. One of the best witches of all times"

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