2022: 20-Rage

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"Bugaboo, are you free after this battle?" Chat questioned, "I was hoping we could visit this little place I know."

Ladybug ignored her partner as she continued to chase the akuma. Chat Noir wasn't important, at the moment. If anything, it was getting hard to ignore him. She knew she was reaching her breaking point with him. He was getting annoying. She wasn't sure what to do anymore. She had already told him that she was dating someone!

"You know, My Lady, we could meet under the stars for a moonlight stroll." he chirped, "It would be an amazing time!"

Ladybug halted on the roof, turned around and punched Chat Noir in the face. Chat hadn't expected anything and dropped his guard. He flew into the building behind them. Everyone, including the akuma, stopped what they were doing and watched Ladybug turn on Chat Noir.

"You're not My Lady!" he growled, pulling out his baton

"I've been telling you, forever, that I'm not yours!" Ladybug shouted, "I'm not your anything and I never will be! I already told you, Chat, I'm dating someone!"

Everyone watches as Chat relaxes and smiled. He stood up and put his baton away.

"Oh, it is you." he smiled, "You scared me. We both know that's a lie. You're just trying to make me jealous. You're testing my love for you."

"It's not a lie!" Ladybug screamed, "I'm in a happily committed relationship! The worst part of my day isn't dealing with akumas; it's dealing with you! I don't care how much romantic bullshit the Ladyblog forces down people's throats by declaring we 'love' each other. It doesn't matter how many pictures are shown from that stupid kiss from four years ago! We don't even remember it! I don't know why it happened, but I had a crush on someone at the time. I never would have kissed you!"

"But-" Chat tried to argue.

"Do you know what little girls are taught from a young age? That the word 'no' means NO! To use any force necessary to make guys, like you, understand that they are the worst kind of person alive!" the heroine cried out, "We are taught to kick and scream for help, to get away from people like you! It's called harrassment! I'm not even scared of akumas anymore; I'm terrified of you! I have nightmares of you coming after me and locking me away! At this moment, the only thing persuing me will do is force me to take your miraculous and retire the cat!"

Chat Noir looked at her in shock.

'I'm not even scared of akumas anymore; I'm terrified of you!'

'She can't really mean that, right?'

'I have nightmares of you coming after me and locking me away!'

'I would never do that! I-I want Ladybug to love me, but I don't want to force her to. I thought she was going along with my banter. I thought this was a game of cat and mouse, she enjoyed.'

"Chat Noir." she called, breaking him out of his thoughts, "I will never date you. I love my boyfriend. I hope to have a future and a family with him. I plan to leave Paris, forever, the moment Hawkmoth is dealt with. Now, if you don't mind, I want this akuma done and over with so I can see my boyfriend and go back on my date."

Ladybug quickly launched at the akuma and broke the object. Everyone had been stunned by her speech, including the akuma. Ladybug spotted the media and Alya facing towards her.

"I denounce the Ladyblog as nothing but a shotty fanfiction website, by a child. LadyNoir has never been real! I will never give the blogger a moment of my time again. I don't have civilian friends and anyone who says otherwise is a liar." Ladybug called out.

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now