2023:14-Poisoned Dagger

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Marinette watched the gleam off the dagger as it plunged towards Damian. Call it hero's instinct or you could call it love, but Mari moved quickly and pushed Damian out of the way. She felt the cold steel of the blade dig into her and then get yanked out. Before she could react, she heard a man swear under his breath . The next thing she felt was pain radiating from her cheek. Then, it got dark.

"You ruined the plan, You Stupid Girl!" the man shouted, after backhanding her, "No one else was suppose to get hurt!"

Damian watched as Marinette writhed on the floor, unconsciously. Quick to his feet, Damian disarmed the guy and brought him to his knees. He placed the dagger to his throat.

"I will spill every drop possible unless you inform me of what is happening to her, immediately!" Damian demanded.

"Poison." the guy mumbled, "Mother."


Out of pure rage, Damian broke his arm. As the man screamed in agony, Damian scooped up Marinette's limp form and took her outside the building. He saw the cops and Batman arrive, in the Batmobile. He quickly made his way over to his father.

"The ambulence-" Batman began.

"Mother did this." his son hissed back.

Batman scooped her up from his son's arms and unlocked the car. Damian quickly jumped into the back as his father placed her carefully in the front seat. They quickly drove back to the cave. The cops watched as the drove off, confused. When they got in, they found the perpetrator had a broken arm. The man saw them and stabbed his thigh.

"I'll never speak." he whimpered before passing out.

Marinette laid on the BatConsole. They were waiting for her blood work to finish scanning and tell them how the poison was affecting her. Damian knew the formulas to the League poisons and was waiting on the results. He slammed his fist on the console.

"New batch." He growled.

"Damian." Bruce spoke.

"Give me time." his son answered, "I'll figure it out."

The Waynes looked at each other unsure. Bruce nodded and the began to head upstairs. Bruce knew more than anyone how complicated the league was and his son's entire childhood was there. Damian was right, he knew more than they did.

Talia entered the Batcave through one of the secret routes that Bruce had once shown her. Her son was passed out in front of the computer. She looked at the screens and saw he was waiting for another analysis on the girl's blood and tox screen.

'Seems my son is infatuated with this one. I should have sent ten men to pick him up. We'd be on our way back to the camp by now.'

Talia walked over to Marinette and looked at her.

'Why my son chose her-'

Talia reached out and felt the air around her become heavy. She quickly pulled away and felt the air return to her lungs.

'Interesting. Damian chose a weilder of magic. I don't expect Bruce will be too happy when he finds out.'

Talia left a small vial with the antidote by her son.

Damian sat up, feeling a rush of cold air by his side, and looked around. Next to him was a small vial.

"Mother." he growled.

Damian quickly inserted a drop of the vial on Marinette's blood and watched as the contents of the vial destroy the poison. He quickly set some off to the side to run analysis on why getting an IV drip ready for his angel. A ping from the computer pulled his attention. It was a match! He quickly started the drip.

"I'm so happy you're okay, Damian." Mari spoke, once she woke up.

"You scared me." Damian replied, before kissing her forehead, "Never again, Habibiti, do I want to see you like that."

"I can't let you get hurt, either." Marinette responded.

"You got hurt because of me and that I cannot forgive." Damian declared, "We've already stitched you up. Relax and let the medicine work. Get some sleep, Angel."

Marinette nodded and closed her eyes, keeping her hand on Damian's.

Talia watched from the distance.

'Yes. She's a good choice for you, Son.'

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now