The Jungle

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-"Oh for crying out loud, you don't need to kill every living thing you see!" I yelled at Clayton who just sneered at me.

-"My dear, they'll kill us if we don't send warnings" he smirked, loading a new bullet into the gun as I gave a frustrated sigh.

-"Yes! I need to make sure your safe Y/n" father began his rant about safety precautions and things, I blocked it out and looked at my surroundings, stopping to sketch a few things.

-"Clayton?" father called out after he had shot at the bamboo for the millionth time since we had gotten down from the ship.

-"What is it Clayton? Are we in danger?!" father looked around frantically.

-"Father there isn't anything, Mr. Clayton's just shooting aimlessly"

-"I thought I saw something" Clayton looked around while father ranted now about the possibilities of what Clayton could have seen.

-"Hippopotamus amphibious?"

-"Rhinoceros bihornus?"

-"Professor! Don't move!" father stood still like a statue, I let out a quiet giggle at his weird stance and Clayton's expression as he looked around for 'danger'.

-"As much as I appreciate your...helping in protecting us, you'll scare the gorillas off and we won't get to study them"

-"So why don't you put the gun down for a bit and-"

-"And let you get killed? Miss Porter, your father hired me to protect you, and as long as I'm here I will do that" I gave a frown.

-"Y/n! Y/n, don't you realize where we're standing?" father asked.

-"Oh my goodness! It's a gorilla's nest!"

-"Finally!" Clayton exclaimed and father got down to his knees to observe patterns, footprints and everything else he could to try and trace the direction they were going.

-"Do you think the beasts could be nearby?" Clayton asked.

-"Could be, but they've probably left by now, you know, because of the gun sound" Clayton ignored me completely and turned to my father.

-"They might have gone by now, but they're sure to be around here" father replied.

-"Look! There's more nests!"

-"Just as you predicted!"

-"Family groups!"

-"Oh! Y/n, I love you!" father engulfed me in a hug which I returned.

-"Family groups!" Clayton laughed aloud, I stared at him confused about what was so funny about family groups.

-"Excuse me, but these are wild beasts that would sooner rip your head off than look at you"

-"On the contrary, Mr. Clayton"

-"Father thinks that these are more social creatures, not monsters-" I was cut off by the sound of gunshots.

-"Mr. Clayton, please, what if it's a gorilla?"

-"It's no gorilla" he muttered, looking around at our surroundings.

-"Perhaps we should move forward?" he offered.

-"Yes, of course!" father was quick to stand up and march to leave, I stayed behind, looking around before shrugging off the weird feeling. That is until something jumped out of a nearby tree.

-"Oh my goddess!" I pulled out my notebook to sketch the little monkey who was perched on the ground eating a papaya.

-"Father!" I called after him as quietly as I could.

-"Mr. Clayton!" I looked away from my notebook back at the monkey who was now gone.

-"Oh!" the little monkey had made its way onto my shoulder and was looking at the notebook it had in my hands.

-"What do you think, pretty handsome aren't you?" I told the little monkey and he gave a little squeal before taking my notebook.

-"Why you little!" I chased after him, I was slower since my outfit was not fit for running. I was wearing a yellow dress with a hat and a pair of heeled boots, not ideal for the trip.


Hi! Finally a new story! 

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

I might not be able to post tomorrow, but we'll see.


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