Clayton's End

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-"Stop it Clayton!" Y/n once again tried taking the gun but it was no use, he was much stronger and pushed her aside, hitting her side of the head with the gun.

-"Hiding are we?" Clayton asked aloud to Tarzan as he hid in the trees looking for a good moment to attack.

-"I could use a real challenge, because rounding up your little ape 'family' was the easiest thing" Clayton took hold of a tree vine and began to climb up to catch Tarzan.

When Clayton got to the top he looked at his surroundings. It was quiet and still, only the sound of thunder and rain crashing was heard.

He looked up to the sides before Tarzan jumped onto his back and threw the gun out of his hand to fall down. They threw punches and kicks to each other, throwing one another down the levels of the trees, crashing roughly on branches.

-"Go ahead, shoot me," Clayton told Tarzan after he had gotten ahold of the gun.

-"Be a man" Clayton laughed as Tarzan lowered the gun from pointing at his chest to the ground slightly.

-"..." Clayton's laughter stopped when Tarzan pointed the gun at his neck.

-"Not a man like you!" Tarzan told him and threw the gun against the ground where it broke in half before it fell off the tree onto the very bottom of the ground.

-"NO!" Clayton yelled and pulled out a large blade, swinging it towards Tarzan who fell back in an attempt to miss it.

He fell down, missing various vines until he finally caught one and was able to stabilize himself.

Clayton on the other hand jumped down and caught a vine and swung the blade at Tarzan in an attempt to kill him. Tarzan was able to move to miss the blades and he tossed vines over Clayton to get him stuck.

That is until Clayton began to cut the vines and one fell around his neck. Clayton hadn't noticed yet because he was too distracted cutting the other vines but Tarzan had.

-"Clayton! Don't!" he warned, but it was no use Clayton had cut the last vine and fell down, the only hold he had to the trees was the vine around his neck.

Clayton yelled as he fell and Tarzan tried going after him but it was no use, the vine eventually ran out before he could reach the ground and Clayton was hung to his death.


Hi! I hope you all had a Happy New Years! 

I really appreciate you all reading my stories and hope that they get better as the year goes on. I enjoy reading all your comments, and please feel free to correct my english, it's not rude at all so don't feel bad, I know it's not the best!

I'm working on getting my english a bit better but I'm also learning french right now so it's a little difficult. 

I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that all your resolutions come true!


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