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-"No!" I went to push the gun to face upwards, letting it shoot at the sky.

-"Oh he's harmless...I think" I mumbled the last part, not being too sure of that myself.

-"Clayton" everyone turned to face Tarzan.

-"Clayton" he repeated and father looked at him with such fascination, Clayton looked at him in shock and a bit of disgust.

-"Have we met?" Clayton asked Tarzan, looking over to me as if I had the answer.

-"How does he know my name?"

-"He thinks it means the sound of the gunshot," I explained.

-"Y/n" he 'walked' over to me and moved hair out of my face, leaning in really close.

-"Um...yes, hello Tarzan" I tried backing up a bit.

-"I see what you mean about personal boundaries" father laughed and I glared.

-"What's he doing?" Clayton asked, staring as Tarzan walked around him and imitated his standing, I laughed at the two.

-"Look at him, Y/n"

-"He moves like an ape but looks like a man" father told me and I nodded.

-"He could be the missing link"

-"Or our link to the gorillas" Clayton corrected father.

-"Ah! Yes, yes"

-"Ahem, where are the gorillas?" Clayton asked Tarzan who completely ignored him and went about picking on his face and looking at the gun he held in his hands.


-"GORILLAS" Tarzan repeated and I walked to the two.

-"Shouting won't help, Mr. Clayton"

-"He just repeats what you say, he doesn't understand english" I explained.

-"Then I'll make him understand" Clayton walked away, father, Tarzan and I waited to see what he'd do.

-"If I can teach a parrot to sing God Save the Queen"

-"I can certainly teach this savage a thing or two" he went to the blackboard and began to draw a...gorilla?

-"Gorilla" Clayton told Tarzan, holding the chalk up.

-"Gorilla" Tarzan repeated, taking the chalk from Clayton's hands and string at it.

-"No, no, no, no, no!"

-"No, no, no, no, no!"

-"Tarzan!" I called out to him and he stopped arguing with Clayton.

-"This is chalk" I told him, pointing at the piece of chalk in his hands.

-"Gorillas are..." I drew a more accurate picture of a gorilla on the board before stopping mid-way.

-"Father, do we still have the projector?" father smiled as he rushed into the tent to do the set up, I assumed.

-The Teaching Begins-

With the projector hooked up we could show him various slides of everything we had. From animals, to cities, to monuments, to maps. Tarzan imitated a few, but as we reached the buildings and other animals he stayed put on the ground, staring in fascination.

It all went well until we got to the people, he pulled me from behind the projector to dance with him, which made me laugh and father clapped his hands. Clayton didn't seem too amused with what we were doing, I guess he just wanted to see the gorillas already.

Father switched the slide to the galaxy and Tarzan stopped dancing to stare at the screen. We took him outside and explained as best we could everything about space, the telescope was great help.

I taught him to read with all the books I had brought with me, father taught him to use the bicycle, and Clayton taught him maps, trying to get Tarzan to point where the gorillas where...at least tried to.

As Clayton tried to get Tarzan to show him the location of the gorillas, I would sit by trees to sketch little critters and the colorful birds. Tarzan would come over to me, completely ignoring Clayton to see what I was sketching.

Animals would often leave before I could finish sketching them which had me annoyed since my drawings were half done. But Tarzan would lead me to where the animals hung out and I spent hours with various animals, sketching them, writing small notes, and letting Tarzan attempt to teach me what he knew on each animal.

He also re-tired to teach me how to swing on trees but we didn't get far with me being afraid of heights and all. We made progress though, I wasn't that afraid anymore but I also wouldn't go climb up a tree...so progress. 



I have been very busy with finals being this week and all, I have four test this week apart from my finals so that is just splendid!

I will continue posting but maybe not this week, I will for sure of saturday, possibly friday but we'll see. 

I hope you can all understand!

Good luck to the people who have finals! I wish you the best of luck!


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