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-"This is amazing, there's so many of them" I stared in awe at the gorillas that were sitting on the tree branches, looking down at us with curious eyes.

-"Oh!" father took one look and fainted, I giggled and stood up to get a better look at them.

-"Oh my goodness! How adorable!" the baby gorillas had made their way down, standing near me. I sat down and held a hand out to them.

-"Hello" I told them and one stood up pounding fists at his chest as a sign of strength before he wobbled and fell onto my lap.

-"It's very nice to meet you" I smiled at the three.

-"Oh my!" the three little ones crawled on my lap, one went to my shoulder, the other stood on the opposite shoulder and the three played around with my hair before rushing over to Tarzan.

-"Can you teach me?" I asked Tarzan as I walked over to him and the baby gorillas.

-"To speak Gorilla?"


He began to teach me, making weird expressions and sounds but the little gorillas seemed to understand as they made the little noises too. I tried saying them but it wasn't coming out right, Tarzan took hold of my face and squeezed my cheeks together to I assumed help me. It must have worked because the little gorillas crawled over to me.

-"Good heavens, what did I say?" I asked, picking up one of the little gorillas who was playing with my hair again.

-"That Y/n stays with Tarzan" he explained.

-"Stay? But I..."

-"I thought we'd already..."

-"Tarzan I-"

I was cut off by loud growling and roaring. Out of a set of trees came an elephant and another gorilla..

-"Is that my dress?" I asked, looking at the gorilla confused as to why he had one of my dresses.

-"Oh no" Tarzan whispered as a huge gorilla came from behind the same trees. This gorilla's fur was pure black with a grey canter, it looked so terrifying yet very much magnetic and beautiful.

-"..." we all stayed quiet for a bit when the huge gorilla stopped and stood a few feet away from us.

Tarzan eventually spoke to the gorilla but he took a look around and his eyes were set on Clayton who was taking a gun away from another gorilla. The large gorilla went into a rampage, rushing to Clayton and tossing the gun aside before going to attack him.

Tarzan tried to interfere but it was no good, the other gorilla was stronger than all of us. The gorilla rushed towards us but was pulled once more by Tarzan who was struggling to keep him away.

-"Go!" Tarzan yelled at us as he held the gorilla down.

-"But-" I was cut off.

-"Go!!" he yelled.

-"Come on!" father told me and took hold of my arm to pull me away.

-"But what if he gets hurt?" I asked, pulling away.

-"It won't do you or him any good if you go back, you'll only get hurt!" Clayton told me and picked up, tossing me over his shoulder.

-"Hey! Put me down!"

-"You're taking too long!" he replied.



So...I know I said I would post often but we went to Texas to visit family and i couldn't take my computer because my parents said no writing because they wanted me to spend time with family. 

So I didn't take my computer and we were supposed to stay there for the winter break but I got really sick and we had to come back home. 

I've been sick in bed for so long but I'm finally getting better so my parents let me have my computer back because they took it as soon as we got home knowing I'd take the opportunity of being sick to write. 

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, or Happy Holiday's if you don't!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I'll for sure post tomorrow, and if I don't I'll owe you two chapters.


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