People Get Lost in the Jungle

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I held the side of my head, cursing Clayton for hitting me so hard. I had a pounding headache and felt dizzy from the hit but I stood up to look for Tarzan. I found him sitting on the ground, staring up at...Clayton who was hanging from a tree vine.

-"It's not your fault" I whispered to him after walking over to where he was.

Tarzan turned to face away from Clayton but was met with a worse sight, Kerchak was laying on the ground still and his mother was sitting by him, holding the side of his face with her hand.

Tarzan walked over to Kerchak and sat by his side. They seemed to be talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Kerchak raised his hand to hold Tarzan's shoulder but after a bit it fell and Tarzan gave him a tight embrace.

The other gorillas bowed their heads down as Tarzan gave Kerchak one last hug before setting him down gently. Father made his way to me, hugging me as Tarzan gave a roar and walked away, the other gorillas following after him.

-The Next Day-

-"London will seem so small compared to this" I told Tarzan as he walked me to the ship.

-"I will miss you, Y/n" I stayed silent.

-"Miss Porter!" the captain of the ship yelled at me.

-"I-I know, I'm coming!" I replied.

-"Well...I suppose we should say goodbye" I told him and held a hand out for him to shake.

He took my hand and pressed it against his, just like the first time we had ment. I smiled sadly, I gave him a quick hug before running over to the boat.

-"Goodbye, Tarzan!" father yelled as he waved his hand frantically.


-"Oh, I'm going to miss that boy," father told me as he sat down. I looked down at my hands.

-"Y/n, dear"

-"I can't help feeling that you should stay"

-"Father please don't, we've been through all of this"

-"I couldn't possibly stay...I belong in England, with you, with people..."

-"But you love him, don't you?"

-"I..." I looked back at the island, then to father.

-"Go on" he smiled and I gave him a hug which he returned before I jumped into the water and swam to the shore.

I ran towards him and kissed him, but pulled away quickly in nervousness and seeing it was a bit odd to do. As I pulled away he gently took my face in his hands and pulled me in for a kiss, I smiled into it. I pulled away and he stared at me with softened eyes but I looked behind him at all the gorillas that were staring at us.

-"Tarzan" I whispered and he gave me a confused look. I pointed behind us and he turned to see his family.

He took my hand in his and walked me over to his mother, I held my hand out to her and she took mine in her's. She gave me a smile before they all turned to go back into the forest.

I turned to face Tarzan to kiss him again but I looked behind him to see my father.

-"Father, what are you doing here?"

-"People get lost in the jungle every day, don't they?" he shrugged and patted Tarzan's back before heading into the forest.

-"Oh my!" I smiled at father as he left before I was pulled closer to Tarzan as he gave me a kiss.


Well, that's the end, I hope you guys enjoyed the book, I know the updating schedule was really mest up and that's on me but I thank you all for still reading it.

I will need a few days until the new book is out like always, but it should be out pretty soon. 


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