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-"Women" Clayton chuckled as he walked towards Tarzan who was looking in the direction Y/n had gone.

-"How typical" he took some glasses and a bottle of wine from a box, pouring the wine into the glasses and handing one to Tarzan.

-"Even if you hadn't grown up wild, you'd be lost"

-"There are no trails to a woman's heart"

-"Y/n's going" Tarzan said, his expression saddening as he looked down at the glass of wine.

-"Yes, if only she could've spent more time with the gorillas..."

-"She's so disappointed, crushed, really"

-"Sorry, old boy" he clinked cups with Tarzan and drank the contents in the glass with one sip.

-"Oh, well, I'd best get Y/n's things to the ship" with that said Clayton took Tarzan's glass and set it on a random table along with his. He turned around to leave before he was stopped.

-"Clayton" Tarzan called out.

-"If Y/n see's gorillas, she stay's?"

-"Say, that's why she came, isn't it?"

-"...I'll do it"

-"Good man!" Clayton told him and turned to the crowd of men who were helping get the luggage into the ship.


-"Sir?" a man with long hair and a beard walked over to Clayton.

-"Get the boys together, there's been a change of plans"

-POV Change-


-"Are we really going?" I asked Clayton who replied with a 'yes'.

-"Loverboy told me himself, told me to meet him right here" we stood in the middle of the forest, it was quiet and dimly lit but looked beautiful.

-"I can't believe we're going to see them!" I was beyond excited, father was too, he had his notebook ready to make documentation.

It wasn't too long of a wait for Tarzan to show up, he was pretty quick to come and led us to where the gorillas would be.

We followed him through the forest and past a waterfall until reaching a mountain which he helped me get up on.

-"Thanks" I told him after he helped me up.

-"Oh! Look, father!" there was a gorilla, a female I assumed, who was standing a few feet away from us.

-"Y/n, oh my, she's a beauty," father complimented.

-"Now, be careful, professor"

-"Mustn't, mustn't frighten" father mumbled.

-"She's beautiful" I whispered, staring at the gorilla whose fur was more brown than black or grey.

-"She's my mother," Tarzan told me.

-"She's your...mother" Tarzan tried walking closer to her but she was backing away until she eventually hid from us.

-"What's happening?" father asked.

-"Oh! She's getting away!" Clayton rushed to get her but I stopped him.

-"No! You'll only frighten her more!" I sat down on the grass, trying to make myself seem smaller to seem less harmful.

-"Get up, what are you doing?" Clayton asked after father joined me.

-"Don't get up, look up" Clayton told us and it was amazing, there were so many of them.


I'm working on three stories right now!

-Squid Games x Reader (which is taking absolutely forever)

-Alice in Wonderland 2 (I'm about done but had to stop since my Disney+ was cancelled for the time-being because my whole family voted on getting HBO for the next few months so that's fun)

-Grease (Danny Zuko x Reader) (I just started writing this once 'cause I recently saw it and like all write's could only think about making it into an x Reader)

I hope you guys liked the chapter and are excited for at least one of these stories. 


Tarzan (Tarzan x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora